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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />PIle fhe <br />color to thq,eJ lid 10 pl_ to be eadb leel frol t\t, <br />Ibeet. <br /> <br />I. Ierler, S. Greel, C. ud J. CuUord, It lobUli, R. aad <br />l.f.ote11, t.I_U, I. letta., r. PUiIu, I. liller, J. <br />.kbert" J. Cutot, S.GmQ, '.Pittlu, S. Bridler, L. <br />Iile"'" P.,lout.l. aU I.Stal,l. LeDa&rtlol, D. ai I. <br />hUa,l. 1Ir..I.Io~lei, C. Coral.. <br />IILCOU to to 'ClffOf CIlfUYILLI!'! <br /> <br />101 LI_ - Doc licelaea are ratab'..., ilrdilllee Q4,. ft. <br />COlt of Ue ,liceue ia $11... .ad la effecthefor Ue I1fe <br />of the cIo&. Proof of . clIrred,hbies vaccllatiol "ill be <br />r...ired before 1.suaace of the lieel88. <br /> <br />lpm.UCIISI - Ordilaace 'Utr".lres pera... teepll' (or <br />OIIil') IOfe than tlO dOlI O'er ail ...ths old to obtail a <br />tell'} lice.... fte teliel lic'.le Is required ia a44it101 <br />to the i.dhidaal dOC lice"... lellel licelti.. is .,bject <br />to Cit, Coulcil appro,.l. <br /> <br />AII~ SII'lCIS - Celter,1lle hal coatracted lith the Atota <br />eollt, 1...le Societ, for patrol ler,ices. fte hOlrl lill <br />be rudOI. Stra, docs ,Ul be picbd up ud held at the <br />IUlle Societ,. If ,oar do. hll beea picked ap b, the Aloka <br />COIIt, Illale Societ, JOI lill be reapotlible for pick IP, <br />boardi.., lid lic'ISil' feel. <br /> <br />10 PAIII. - Partill is lot aUowed 01 Cit, Street8 betle" ne <br />hall of 3:00 a.'. aid 7:tO a.'. Ylolatora lill be <br />ticketed. <br /> <br />IDIOIl - Pleaa. pa, .ewer aad later bill. vi thil 38 da,.' of <br />receipt to a,old tbe 101 haldli.. fee. Pleaae IOte t~at <br />tbre is a blue -Drop 101- lut to ne frolt door outaide of <br />CitJ lall for after 'oars parlelte. 'ka.l '01. <br /> <br />fIHflntUS - JeCOlt illfohed il ,OIf COllllit, ud hllp <br />protide for the nf,t,ud leUare of JOIr f.lih .lId <br />aeilhbor.. flrefilhtera are "eeled. Theae are paid <br />politioal. Applic.tioaa are a,aiiabl. at Cit, .all. <br /> <br />In IISIuns - D. Capra, S. bIU,'. aDd I. Pratt, I. taaer, <br /> <br />aGIL.,. It is "at tile of ,ear ReI school wIll re._shrU,. <br />PIe... 'H ","lall, cattf.lbbiqil tle IOnia. aad <br />aUenooD h0l1"l. "t...t ,Oll!! <br /> <br />IJlUS All UJIS eqp IP - nuk rOIl to all per80D8 IIho <br />partle1patft it tkia cleo ap prolfll. It 1188 a .accet.H . <br /> <br />om.." IS. UllILC II ClftllnUI -Than JOI to all pentll <br />,ho participated ia the larlk BaJ acthlU... A ,rateful <br />ack.olledlJelt is elteadedto Saa.a Btekbee aaa I,ra SpiJer <br />for theIr dedicatlo1 tollrd lid coordllatioD of tbe proera.. <br />A job ell dOlt \r all! <br /> <br />sneut ,.m t. - To JarJ Jue La.. for doaaUII her tile to <br />put loIeth.r tie Ce.ter,iIle .e..letter. Your help il <br />allar' appreciated., . <br /> <br />SIPPOtf fOIl LOClI. IISIIISSQ!! !! - lee,i.. fOil tll dollarl ill <br />the cu, .111 ielp tie W \lie. Call CliJ' lall if JOIl <br />10114 Uke ilforuUOIOJ ,our cu, Dui.e.II'. <br /> <br />'110 In IISII.IS -B... JOII loUcedtheacthltr at the <br />Celter,iIle PlaIa? T.o ae. blsilesst. ha,e jolled our Clt, <br />to help aer,e JO'. <br />Celter,ille 'loral - 1195 20th A'eIOt South <br />T... Liquor - 1181 20th l,ellle South <br />Stop b, the"Celter,ille 'loral aId la, -Ii. to Debbie-aad' <br />theD lalk dOl. to T.I. LiqQor aDd elteDd a .Iello- to <br />ShirleJ. <br /> <br />mIDI ClftlllS - If JOI are a SO reUj of II' or older <br />JOG "' be eli,ihl. for a di8COUlt 01 rOlr seier billile. <br />CODtaet City Ball for IOfe ilfor.atiol. <br /> <br />Ceatenille elteldl alart ,eleole to both bu.bestel! Belt' <br />of luck ~ rOIl! <br /> <br />l1li 1111"101 SIIJIClS IflILllLI - Thil i. a CoultJ ter,iee <br />a,aila\1e to IIJOI. 11,11' or lorki.. ID Aaola COlDtJ. <br />Tnical illlle. settled bJ the "t,iee hlte beea: <br />aeighborhood dls"tes ilcludill loi.e, ,arli81 aDd pet <br />