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* The trticl:( replacement ffind was used to purchase studica sets in 2017. <br /> The Raids were not needed for a new production truck, as the truck was <br /> replaced as part of the HD upgrade with bond funds. A small arnoinit is in <br /> this reserve in the event the fleet vehicle requires replacing. <br /> * The building repair ftind is to cover ma or costs related to the building <br /> such as windows, roof, furnace,parking lot, AC replacernent and painting, <br /> carpet replacement etc. <br /> * The bond reserve is currently CIOSCCI out, as the building was paid off in <br /> 2015. <br /> * The franchise renewal ftind is as reserve fund for the NN4TC's franchise <br /> renewal process. Franchise renewal can be very expensive, with the <br /> inibrinal negotiation process costing around $200,000 across a till-cc year <br /> period. Moving to as formal negotiation process is niore expensive. These <br /> costs inchide needs assessments, Consulting, and legal fees. If is <br /> anticipated that up to $100,000 of these funds could be utilized in 2019. <br /> 9M419—et <br /> * The recommended operating budget ,for the organization totals $1,305,57'8. This <br /> number- represents a $13,525 increase over last years operating budget. While <br /> there were some reductions in anticipated administrative expenditures, building <br /> maintenance and utilities fine-interns were increased, along with personnel costs, <br /> * Budgeted capital purchases 1"or 2019 are set at $450,615. A little over half ofthis <br /> ,amount is dedicated to, the 1-11) bond payment of$2:30,475, Budgeted capital <br /> items for 2019 include Makito X I ID video transport systems for two Cities,, <br /> Tightrope streaming servers aaracp related equiprnent For six Cities, a wireless <br /> rnicrophone system for Studio A, field cameras, and the anntial <br /> maintenance/support contracts for City and N MTV Tight rope, Ross, Haivision <br /> and Carousel equipment. The total arnOUnt budgeted 'I"or video cqLdpment <br /> replacement/support is $187,640. The capital budget also includes rfAltine <br /> C0ITIl)Utel'/SOftWal`C Upgrades, software licenses and money for parking lot repairs <br /> and re strip <br /> * Franchise fees paid to the cities are budgeted at $400,000. This is the same as last <br /> year. <br /> Closing P'oints <br /> We have created a thriving and dynarnic service for our cities, schools, producers, <br /> and viewers. 'Through program playback and channel management, internet <br /> streaming of city inectings including an agenda bookmarking tool, video <br /> equipment consulting, drone set-vices, and video production services, oar cities <br /> are seeing real benefits from their investment of franchise fees and PEG fees. <br /> Our cable subscribers are benefiting ftorn this investment with cdUCatiOlIal <br /> opi-mrtuni ties, tape and Min transfer ser vices, and varied, infortrtative and <br /> interesting progratriming regarding their commit 11 i ties. <br /> 30 <br />