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(Cir)Q/ I I <br /> ff".,streevloading, A loadingspace shall, haveininimu n.i.dimensions of rvot less than 1.2 feet Lin. width, 510 <br /> Feet in liv!wth, cXCIUSi've of driveways, a�islies and other cin.mlation areas. One off street Ill space <br /> yah, ll be Provi(Jed and maintainied on the saInae lot for calich corriimercial wid knurl Lj�trial use re.,liquiring <br /> regular delivery ofgic:!aiodsv and havinpI <br /> a modil:ied gross flicx.v arof rniore flum 101910100 square feet,, Onle <br /> loading space, slmll be pirovided fior l additil(mal 25,,101010l Squarill fettalr fraictilairi theirelt:&. No off An',,let <br /> loadin <br /> gspaceshaIIIIII The located in any required yard add sildential use. Required off­isiweet <br /> jjolit ing any re <br /> Iloadin! space shall r1ot be, inclu,il1e,r,,I as off street parking space in cotriputing required off street plarill <br /> 9 9 <br /> �sp,ace, Vehicles tailizing iffiis lia,,ading spacle shall not pro,JIt°ct into thie ptklic nfight.... f way. <br /> CIFT)Frair.:Iional qpace, When an.a-� ication of t1mstudards of this chal.-Aer with.�res eict to niarnber ofiolffl­ <br /> r P, p <br /> Rtree t 1:3airking spam ce ilresults in the need to provide a fi-action l space, any fraction of one-half"'or <br /> Ile h,all be, disregarded and any otbler frac"tion shall beconstrueld s (;)ne. <br /> (I) UvesnotmenifitmexlL For any tase notspeciflicallY mentioned in tkile schec.iuoff <br /> le of itrvet pan <br /> arking d <br /> Ibladin! <br /> ,g reliquirernie;rami s, the number of"spaces required should Ilmm tl at required R'r tlm iusle narTi, in tile <br /> schedule which is dIk.,Ae,,-nnined by the.planning and Zoning Commission to be, T.'i-iost similar, <br /> (J) 4Iacesjbrft,,e or more automolides. Parkinareas coinsisting of five or riaore, off„use reet parki.tIg spaces <br /> shall have individual ispaces so rmmarlIl Iby paverialent is rip the periT.-neter of lot sliall be suffoundw. ,by <br /> curbing, alind shall be sio designed,mainlitained and ren gulat id igrhat no parkiing air maneuvering incidental <br /> to paiilll shall be loin.any public street,,, walk.or alley anso that any viehicle may be, a <br /> rlewd and <br /> Pa <br /> unparked without moving another vehilcle <br /> (K),ra!provir,unent and maintenamx. Requiredparkin <br /> g and Iload:ing space s,together witit dri've,ways, aisle <br /> an(I other circiulatkm�,ueas, shall bie iarkproved in away as to providle a durable and dust ftee amend ace <br /> IaSphalt, concrete,Pavim, cobbliestione,l similar iinaterial accoi-diing to Rininfii-rri,,u-rn. city Specifications, <br /> excit.,iding,R I. Distficts. .All Parkin and lowling areas sliall pravilde fbrproper ch-ainage of' <br /> 19 1 <br /> watf,-.,r,to prevent,the drainage of the water olii,lto adiacent properties or walkways. 'The u::wiiner ofany <br /> or loading area shall i-naintairt the area in good conditionwitholut holes l Ilree ofal,11. dust, trash <br /> �and other d:elll:,)ris Paeking and access drives shall be located a minirnium of filw'a Weill l' mem any proywrty, <br /> line. Parkmg sPaces, shall be a rninimum of nine feet wildie., m:Md I S 1' et <br /> (L),,Iccev,v. All aff-street Parl,6tig �reas sball have ,access d6,ve,way,!;i rathicrthan from public <br /> an(I l by cotiditkmal iuuse pertnit,the iiIriveway access �,hall be Il.immmited to 24 iIFl in width at thier l <br /> line. <br /> i(M) Requirernents F or hfixed Uses If Imik'111ing, or sbucture c(.nitains)a mixture l uses as defuiwd by <br /> paragral'Iffis i(A) anid(fi,the mininiurn numbler of parkirIg S111%.wMenu requlired fin denim entire, Nlfliding or <br /> structure shall be calculated fb r the mast, restrictive Ill arking use a Ipernmmitted by time applicable zoning <br /> iffistri ct and building coldes. <br /> Ord. 2d#.19, amended 0612 71200 7 <br /> 366 1 P a g e <br />