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<br /> <br />rville <br /> <br />.E'....,(f'~l:1.~.t ~f~~:- <br /> <br />STATE or MINlUSOTA <br />C01JNTY OF ANon <br /> <br />CITY OPcaTDVILl& <br /> <br />N011CE 01' P1JRIC BARING <br />CODlDOMAL U8 _ 8EQUBIT rm-.1II2N1-22-2I.....--17S1... <br />Stnet, 1IR2J.31-22-21"14-1759 MaiD.StreeI. flR2S.31.22-21..U-17I1Mala <br />...11I2W1-..21...... 7121 ~.. <br />ANon COmnY ItEQU&STS TO BAUGN CLBARWATERCIIERIC IN <br />CONIUNCIION WITIITB CMIIt, WlDDING PROD:Cr. <br />TD P1JRIC BAIUNG WILL BE ~~ BD'OB TB PlANNING AND <br />ZONING N <br /> <br />NanCE IS HBRBBY ~ 1bat tile ,....8 aad ZOJaiaa ComIDiuioD ofd1e city of <br />c.t.vIIe wDI 00-- the ~ ooaditIo1* .. permit -....a by Mr. Doaa <br />FISCher, P A, Aaob CouaIy Ifishway ~ to aDoW'lWltpment of CIear.ater <br />Cteek wlda the foIIowiaa PIN r. beiaa atreCted: <br /> <br />. PINIIR23-31-22-21-OO56-1751 MaiIl_ <br />. PlNfR23-31-22-21-G014-17S9MaiaStrlll <br />. PIN 11&23-31-22-21-0013 -1781 Maia StNet <br />. PIN tR23-31-22-21-G021.... 7121 PJDareII Road <br /> <br />ADoka County NqUeItI the CODCIitbI8I UI8 permit in order to re&lip a..... Creek ill <br />~ wIdI the CSAII 14 ....i--a project. ADOka ('.-y beIieYeI .. tile <br />_..... is required to ~~ a _ 1I~1..__ poDd and .- <br />MiIIIleIOta PoIlutloa CoDtroI A8fJIJCY _ Rice Creek Wlterlhed DistrIct water qtIIIity <br />requiremeats. The specific poad Ioratioa is DeCeSSIIJ clue to pde and utilities <br />'**.. ne propoaed ~ arade ..cbeI the ....'1 ...... .. ~ <br />areater CIOII-sectioDaI area. providiDa for equal or '"*' hydrIuIic capacity - the <br />exietma e.... <br /> <br />The _-. is scheduled for Tue8day, JuDe 6. 2006 CO-~If'~ at 6:30 p.m. or I1lodIy <br />..... 'DIe,.,.. of the ""na is to .... pahIic iaput reaanIiDI tile above <br />request IDd the poI8ibility of 8Iadiaa the COIIdidoa use permit . ...-.s TIle pubic <br />-Ida wiD _.beId iD Cot_ ~ IocIttd at 1110 UaiD Street. CeaterviIIe. <br />MiDDesota 55038. <br /> <br />The City Ball is ADA lCCeIIibIe. RequestI for --ma ...*' cIevices or a lip <br />.... iatetplWler .. be recelved Wore 4:00 pea JulIe 2. 2006. AI ,.. <br />-....a.. iIMte&l to __ __ to be heanI. <br /> <br />~. )1 f~:1' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />/9 <br />