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<br />Previous lawful gambling exemption number <br />X- 1 f'{)oS <br />State/Zip Code County <br />MN 55038 Anoka <br />Daytime phone.number of <br />CEO: <br />651-429~7937 <br />Daytime phone number of <br />115'- 4ZIJJ - S3J ftJ <br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />Application for Exempt Permit - LG220 <br /> <br />Organization In,formation <br />Organization name <br />Church of St. Genevieve <br /> <br />Street <br /> <br />City <br />Centerville <br /> <br />7087 Goiffon Rd <br /> <br />Name of chief executive officer (CEO) of organization <br />First name Last name <br /> <br />(Rev.) Thomas Fitz2erald <br />Name of teasurer of organization <br />First name <br /> <br />V;rOJ;n~O\ <br /> <br />Last name <br />~ Mo#-t; <br /> <br />For Board .Use Only <br />Fee Paid <br />Page 1 of 2 Check No, <br />10/98 Initials <br />Received-1 '_ <br /> <br />Type of Nonprofit Organization <br /> <br />Check the box that best describes your organization: <br />o Fratemal IXI ReUgious <br />o Veteran o Other nonprofit organization <br /> <br />Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application: <br />o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status <br />o Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office <br />o A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization <br />o Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board <br /> <br />Au.9 . 2f), zo{) to <br /> <br />Gambling Premises Information <br />Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for raffles. list the site where the drawing will take place) <br />Church of St. Genevieve <br /> <br />Address (do not use PO box) <br />7087 Goiffon'Rd. <br /> <br />City <br />Centerville <br /> <br />Date(s) of activity (for raffles. indicate the date of the drawing) <br /> <br />StatelZip Code <br />MN 55038 <br /> <br />County <br />Anoka <br /> <br />Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: <br />lXJ *8lngo [iJ Raffles ~ *Paddlewheels 5l*Pull-Tabs lXJ *Tipboards <br />*Equipment for these activities must be obtained.from a licensed distributor. <br /> <br />This form will be made available in alternative <br />fonnat ~.e.large print BraiDe) upon request The <br />information requested on this form (and any <br />attachments) will be used by the Gambling <br />Control Board (Board) to determine your <br />qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling <br />aGtivities in Minnesota YOI. have the right to <br />refuse to supply the information requested; <br />however. if you refuse to supply this infonnation. <br />the Board may not be able to determine your <br />qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse <br />to issue you a permit. If you supply the <br />information requested, the Board will be able to <br />process your application. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Your name and and your organization's name <br />and address will be public information when <br />received by the Board. All the other information <br />that you provide will be private data about you <br />until the Board issues your permit When the <br />Board issues your permit, all of the information <br />that you have provided to the Board in the <br />process of applying rUt your permit will become <br />public. If the Board does not issue you a permit. <br />all the information you have provided in the <br />process of applying for a permit remains private. <br />with the exception of your name and your <br />organizationls name and address which will <br />remain public. <br /> <br />Private data about you are available only to the <br />following: Board members. staff of the Board <br />whose work assignment requires that they have <br />access to the information; the Minnesota <br />Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota <br />Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners <br />of Administration. Finance. and Revenue; the <br />Minf'Agota Legislative Auditor, national and <br />international gambling .regulatory agencies; - <br />anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals <br />and agendes that are specifically authorized by <br />state or federal law to have access to the <br />information; individuals and agencies for which <br />law or legal order authorizes a new use or <br />sharing of infonnation after this Notice was given: <br />and anyone with your consent. <br /> <br />- <br />I <br /> <br />39 <br />