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<br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br />HOllorable Mayor & City CouneU Memben <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />Kim Stephall <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Kelly Miller Cirelli <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />Jane 7, 2006 <br /> <br />The foDowing exeerpt aDd reeommendatioll is from the June 7, 2006 Parks & ReereatioD <br />ColDIIIittee MeetiDg. <br /> <br />KeUv Miller eireDS <br /> <br />The committee reviewed the Kelly Miller Circus with Committee Member Amundsen updating <br />members on the financials. After expenses, the Parks & Recreation Committee made $865.19 to be <br />used for parks and parks equipment The potential was available to make more, but as this was the <br />first year and there is a learning curve, there are things the committee would do differently next year. <br />Total tickets sold were 1,071, with the potential of 3,000. The expenses the committee incurred were <br />minimal, the initial $290 to secure the circus, $150 for advertising and $39.50 for the guessing jars. <br />The committee would like to send thank you letters to all the outlets wbo sold tickets: Apple Academy <br />of Centerville Child Care, Apple Academy of Hugo Child Care, Center Mart (Marathon), Centerville <br />Pet Foods, Comer Express, and Hugo Feed Mill and Hardware, a thank you to Waste Management for <br />supplying the garbage receptacles at no cost to the City and to Mr. David Vickers for supplying a <br />manure spreader and halllin8 the manure away. Ms. Stephan will draft letters for committee approval. <br /> <br />This event required a large effort on the part of the committee to organize, but all members felt it was <br />well worth the work required. Even though the amount of money raised was less than had been <br />expected, it was a wonderful event for the community and all the feedback the committee has received <br />has been very positive. Committee Member Amundsen stated he was quite impressed with the circus <br />once it was here, it was a very clean operation, and all of the circus employees were very informative, <br />friendly and professional. The accounting paperwork was all in order and hancDed without any <br />problems and the performers were excellent There were seven (7) classes from Centerville <br />Elementary at the park to view the animals being unloaded and the tent going up and all comments <br />from the teachers and students were very favorable. Committee Member Amundsen will be contacted <br />· us in the next few weeb to determine if the City would like to schedule the event for 2007. <br />The committee is interested in spoDSOnng e CIrCUS again iUld would like to make a motion tn Muncil <br />so when Committee Member Amundsen taIks to the circus representative . is able to book a date. <br />The committee would prefer to keep the date in the middle of the week pref_ly the same time next <br />year. The last week or two, before school gets out. Council Member Paar thanked everyone for their <br />efforts and said his family really enjoyed the circus and thought the performers were excellent. <br /> <br /> <br />lof2 <br /> <br />43 <br />