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<br />.;\~ <br /> <br />rajse th~ box ,culvert approximately 1.5 feet. This c~ange, however, wo~ld have <br />far-~eaching implicatio~ due to the steep slopes off the edge of the road and 'the <br />approved right-'of-way purchases, and 'pond configurations. <br />. Easements - A permanent easement may be necessary oil the south side. <br />. Private Utility Conflicts - There may be Gas, Telephone, Electric or Cable TV <br />lines' that would need to be relocated. <br /> <br />Further-f:more in-depth analysis of these issues ~ould require a full feasibility study. It is <br />our' tecO~endation that the City for~o this study and apply for the funding first. . <br /> <br />If~e City ~shes to move forward with this project, it would be appropriate for the City <br />.Counci.lto dir~fstaffto apply (or the Safe Routes to School funding paCkage, utilizing' <br />the~' co~ty as the lead agency. <br /> <br />Bon~troo \Yill need written direction from staff outlining the tasks we will be expected'to <br />CQuiprete as. part ,of this application. As a guide~ ~e 'outline of tasks and ass~~ated hours, . <br />, preViously submitted by our office, could be" used to assign tasks'to both staff and ' <br />B01iestroo~,' " <br /> <br />Pl~se feel ~ee to call me if you have any questio,ns. <br />.Sincer~ly , <br /> <br />BONPSTRO.O, ROSENE, ANDELRIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br /> <br />~~~. <br /> <br />, Mar~ Sta~, P .E. <br />, . CitY Engfueer <br /> <br />attachmentS: Concept Sketches <br />Project Cost ~stimate <br />List of Tasks to Complete Application wI hours <br /> <br />, copy: ,John Meyer <br />Ryan Goodman <br />tile <br /> <br />. <br />\ <br /> <br />.s{)~ <br />