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TREATED WOOD EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT <br /> CNL_E106(12-04) <br /> THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY <br /> PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br /> This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> The policy includes the following exclusion for Treated Wood: <br /> The following exclusion |oadded bothe Policy: <br /> This insurance does not apply to: <br /> 1Any liability of any nature, including "bodily injury". "property damage" or "personal and advertising <br /> injury" arising out of, m*mu|dng from. or in any way caused by or nm|otod to any actum|, alleged or <br /> threatened ingestion, |nho|abon, abanrptimn, mwpomunw, d|nchmrgo, d|apersm|, mmmpage, migration or <br /> escape of arsenicals including but not limited to Copper Chromium Arsenate (CCA), <br /> pentachlorophenol,creosote, chromates or copper in any form in"treated wood"; or <br /> 2. Any loss, cost, orexpense, arising out ofany: <br /> a. Piequmxt, dmnoand, order orstatutory on regulatory requirement byormn behalf ofany <br /> person, entity, orgovernmental authority that any insured orothers test for, monitor, <br /> clean up, remove, nontein, treat, dadpuify, neutralize, or in any way respond to or <br /> mmmwmm the m0ento of"treated vwnmd°, any mtn^otunm containing "treated wood" or any <br /> storage place for"treated wood" |nany form from any source; mr <br /> b. Claim or ^ou|t^ by or on behalf of any ponson, enUty, or governmental authority for <br /> damages because of testing for, mnonitodng, cleaning up, nmmoving, oontaln|nQ, <br /> trmat|ng, detox1fy|ng, or nmudnm|izing, o, in any way responding to or assessing the <br /> effects of"treated wood"in any form. <br /> ^Tnwahvd wmod" as used hona|n ahmU mean wood which has been sealed, cmvmrad, treated or |nany way <br /> mNemod by chemical elements or solutions, containing and including any mrmmnims|s including but not limited to <br /> Copper Chromium Arsenate(OCA). pentachlorophenol, creosote, chromates orcopper|nany form. <br /> ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY <br /> REMAIN UNCHANGED <br /> CNL- E106(12-04) TREATED WOOD EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT PAGE 1 OF I <br />