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Page 3 of 6 <br /> of or in connection with(i) the use of,or access to,the Property by any person pursuant to this Agreement,(ii)Owners' <br /> performance of its obligations under this Agreement, or(iii)any breach of,or failure to perform,any provision of this <br /> Agreement by Colliers. Colliers shall not be responsible for indemnification for Liabilities to the extent caused by <br /> Owners'gross negligence or willful misconduct in performing its obligations under this Agreement <br /> 12. Disclosure; Hazardous Substances. Owner agrees to promptly disclose to Colliers and any prospective purchaser <br /> all known material defects, if any, of the Property and any knowledge Owner has or may hereafter acquire regarding <br /> the production,disposal,storage or release of any hazardous wastes or other toxic or hazardous substances in or on <br /> the Property. Colliers is authorized to disclose all pertinent information regarding the Property to prospective <br /> purchasers,and Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless Colliers and any cooperating brokers to the same extent set <br /> forth in Section 11 of this Agreement in the event Owner fails to make any required disclosure or makes any <br /> misrepresentation about the Property or its condition. <br /> 13, No Discrimination. Owner hereby acknowledges that it is illegal to refuse to display,sell or lease the Property to any <br /> person because of race,color, religion,national origin,sex, marital status or physical disability. <br /> 14. Owner's Warranty. Owner warrants that Owner has full authority to execute this Agreement and to sell,or exchange <br /> the Property,and that all information concerning the Property provided by Owner to Colliers is accurate. The person(s) <br /> executing this Agreement on behalf of Owner warrant(s)that such person(s)have full authority to do so and in so doing <br /> to bind Owner. <br /> Owner confirms that following closing of the Property,the amount of the purchase price and any other terms of the <br /> sale of the Property shall not be deemed confidential information and Owner authorizes disclosure of the same. <br /> 15. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of a dispute between the parties to enforce a right or rights provided by or arising out of <br /> this Agreement,the non-prevailing party shall pay to the prevailing party reasonable attomeys'fees and other costs and <br /> expenses of enforcement proceedings. The 'prevailing party' shall be the party receiving a net affirmative award or <br /> judgment. <br /> 16. Negotiation and Construction. This Agreement and each of the terms and provisions hereof have been negotiated <br /> between the parties,and the language in all parts of this Agreement shall, in all cases, be construed according to its <br /> fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party. <br /> 17. Professional Advice. Colliers recommends that Owner obtain legal, tax or other professional advice relating to <br /> this Agreement and the proposed sale of the Property as well as the condition of the Property, including without <br /> limitation,the Property's improvements,equipment,soil,tenancies,environmental aspects and compliance with the <br /> Americans with Disabilities Act. Colliers will have no obligation to investigate any such matters unless expressly <br /> otherwise agreed to in writing by Owner and Colliers. <br /> 18. Governing Law. This Agreement is entered into and shall be governed and construed in accordance with the <br /> laws of the State in which the Property is located. <br /> 19. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entirety of the agreement between the parties regarding sale of the <br /> Property. <br /> 20. Copy of Agreement. Owner hereby acknowledges receipt of a fully executed copy of this Agreement. <br /> 49 <br /> G <br />