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2. 11"be: flrollpifzTty CKvnieryvaives any aiad 0111pro� .,Iledianil and sul.-:ostantivf,:, ot:�,Jcctioiias to <br /> the Public lmpr('M::.:,Tnent and speu.�ial assessments, im,eIlltdfiiag, but niot hrnit.e(,,1 to, <br /> heafiiiag and any thd the aaslessrriinmtexc(.:Ieds the111'.),enedit U:;� <br /> ffie Slubject Pr(.::o erty. 71e Pro, efty ONitnt.-r w&M,:'s any to �ap, CaIl pliair twilt <br /> P P P <br /> Millan'. stat. §429 0 8 L <br /> 1 Property Owner maypr.-r:,pay tlie r,.IffCirc spen.,I.i.alassessm. ..entwitbout, interest ifpaid <br /> in full by November 1, 2018. <br /> 4.,.iA1,....7.peainianot shall be binding t1pon the Pn)perty ('.)vy,ner an(l the. Property <br /> Owner's successors and assigns, This Agreement may be reciarded again..rot th <br /> title to the Subject Property and it st.i.all. run with the property. <br /> u. No rarnexly herein conferred upon or reserved to the ,City is intended to be <br /> ID"K("basirve of any oth.(.-,-.r availdble re.rrie(ly or° Terrii.edies, but each and, ewerfsuch <br /> remedy shall be Lui.nulative and sball bf,,� in addition tx) vi6rery othex, n <br /> y "Venn <br /> under this.Agpreernent ar-,lao,worBarra iter existing at law or in.equity or by statUrte., <br /> Ery No delay or omission to exercise any n. ht or power accruing upon ariiy defiault <br /> shall impair any such rigbt or.power or shall be construed to be awaivex therw. f, <br /> but anysi.ich.right and .power nuky be exercised frorri tiriae to time and as often as <br /> may be deemed expedient by the City. <br /> 7, In the event any provision (.-ff this Agreem.ent shall be held invalid, illegal, or <br /> by any court of com. (,.Aent junsdR,.tion, su(,,.h holding ,shall not <br /> .P <br /> invalidate or rimdiex unenibrceable any offier provision. hereof., and tine remaining <br /> Provisions shall not in any way be al.lbcted,or iirnipaired thereby. <br /> ,,,7,pe6:1IicM II-y statii:Dd btmeiiiathir.-, of t1fis ,;ipecial assessnietlt shall <br /> be-giavariat-, .any Minnmota Statiates (,'."Thapter 9 <br /> 1111101111I OWNER: <br /> BY.. .... <br /> BY: <br /> 2 <br /> 122 <br />