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Anolka County Contract#C0006709 <br /> 210119 mCi'RIIlE;;!IIlE'-,IIlWIIlI;.I.I.11ll4' ' Illi,011Ill RES1111�i.11114""I"'VIII,,„Rl�..i.CYC II 114G 151.101GMI°ZAM <br /> THIIS AG INN 111,iii r made aind eiritered 4-,ito on the "Ist cla,V of Jainilaarl 2019„, <br /> data cA �of the pairtles, thiu-.:01 11CO111NI I Y OF ANOIKA,Stmk.,, <br /> of Mrinii:.isnta, Vic.,reinatier itelibirred to as ti,-ie "C(DUNTY", and the C11W (Y1:::::' CEN1„,I i:::;I1, IILLE, <br /> herelinafter riEffisrred to as tt,ie "MUN1C1P/-!1L1T1r. <br /> WITIMESSE n i: <br /> IIIA1111 HERM14,19,,the(!�',Pountywflll irecx.-Mve'-funding from the State cA 114nnisso-tau plumant,to Minin. <br /> St-WIL, § 115A.557 (herein,-,.-.rIi` "SCORE furuds”) c1luring 2019 'iiAhici" rrhust The USe(.JLO IL-MIGOuirage <br /> recyc,,11ing and a poirtkw--i rnuist be sp ifi fly diiremctecl to recyc.fing soii,irce separated compo tauWe <br /> 1IN1--1111::EREJk- S, tiro a 301dinty wHIII all, riumlvia fun ''Drug i.)ILWSILL aint to Minn. Stit 4`7318 -41 <br /> 11(herefinafter"LIRIDG)furilds") itairing 2019,; and <br /> iffli 1111::::TtEAS, the County Its Ihas additionall budgeted Ipirograirni func.11ing avaiii ablIe to <br /> skjpjpllir..uiment SCOIRE and 1. IRDG funds fcmr sofid w t itecycAling prn!,:..yarn.,s,, so that the availlable <br /> aimm.,iirit forth 11::R1,esidleiritiall IPtecy(Aing IPrograirin is $1,551,716 airiid <br /> IWVIIl 1E1i:;t,,EAS., the Couinty Solld'Waste 'Main agerun eirit IIVIlasteir Plain 20,118 (IM asteir Plain 2018) <br /> and IMPGA. IMetrolp6liitain Sofld 'Waste Mariagerniurit Policy, Plain 20,16-2036' sto that IPASW <br /> generated iiia the Cow,iirdy 0--iiat!is not ireucwid, recycled oir composted,will b Ipimce red'to: the exterd <br /> that Ipirocessirug calpacity is availlable; and <br /> W1 11111!:::!'REAS,the IY teir Plan 2018was developed with th Ipaid1cipation of a r jpreseiriitabve <br /> frorn th Il uinicipalinty rpt aff, aind the Municipality is itequired to idevellop aind 11im1plerneint Iprogimirns, <br /> pir-actices,i cm-irruethods desigiriieci to rneet,owasto abaternc.."int go ll limy IYiiniruStat. § '11 5A.55-1 w Sut)d <br /> 2a (b). <br /> IN11 1111:::::1IR1IEAS,, the ('00untY Msl,-iies tx.) assist, tVilirwi K.Ainicipallity 1rii mecl.ding recycling gc..)alls <br /> est,albIlishedby. Anolle a Couirifty lby Iprovilding said SC011:11E arid ILRDG furi[icls to cities aind townsIVflIps <br /> in the Clmxnty for sollid wast.E.,, itacycling Ipirograirris. <br /> P,110W, firiicc:n-,is,1deimUoin oath rnutivall coverian'tc..;airW prcmmises ir...ointaIned in <br /> U-iiisAgreemerial, the parties rnutually agree to the following tiamms aired coirilclitioiris". <br /> 1 w IIi:1uIPU:N0S111:,::,,:E.1 tu Ipauirpose of tfils Agreernient is to provide for coopeirafloirii between the <br /> Counity aind PAuirilcipallity to irnpierneiridt. sollid wifaste r-E-..�cycflngprogm,...,ims lin the <br /> IMuinlicilpaiEt.V 'wk'hiir:hi ,willlI Ihellp the County and mernbeir municipallitiens imeet the goalls set In <br /> the CiLlinreint Arioka Coiunty Solid Waste Management IMasteir 111:::111ain Ihe County aincl the <br /> Municipality agar ee thatithe infoir,irriabon provided iIiri the reir.Atals above is to The liricoirporated <br /> into the purpose of U-ils agreement. <br /> 2. ..T.111:::!:]RM herteii im ofthhs Mgr.leeiimeint lisfiriarn JanUall"y 1 1, 201 9,thirougl--i IDecernbet--31, 201 9 <br /> U11"i0losis ear�Heii-teriimim--iiated u- s Ill3u Vided Ih1eirldin. <br /> 21 <br />