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(1) One piroirnotionall mailling to each hiouselhold focused exclusively on the <br /> M unii iilp lliity" irecyr ruing pirog <br /> (2) One promotional adveirtiseimerd detailing itecycliing oppoirtunitiles availlalblefair <br /> r ii nt iinclluuded !in the Municipality's news1letteir or Ilo call newspaper; and <br /> (3) 'Two COMMUnItY OUtreach activifies at IMuuniicipall or Quasil-Mi.micilpall events tai <br /> inform vesildents alboutrecyclifing opportunities., <br /> liv. Th 1puubllic information com1ponents Ili ted above shall1l focus on all] recyclable <br /> materialls and the vairlous oppoirturi Mes to recycle and compost within the <br /> Municilpaility, The IMunicilpallilty shall incorporate Reffillinlk IRecycIlling aind otheir <br /> regional iiirrnages and use the toollki-Its provided lby the County w1hein preparing <br /> promotionall materials., The Municipality, on an ongoing basis, slViaill identify new <br /> residents and providhill iInformation on the irermycling opportunities avalillalble <br /> to these new residents.. 'The County slhallll woi*with the IMuuuniicilpallity on 1promotilonall <br /> mat erialls to coordlinatf,.-. messages., Tlt�e P uuniicip lliity lhmllll provide promotional <br /> mateidalls for iteview prilor-to pulbIlication-to ensuire accuracy. <br /> v.. The Munlicilpalli-Ily s1haill implairly attend the monthIly Solidi Abatement <br /> Advisory Tearn rmr firng 1peiryear„ <br /> A. Thn lMunicipallty. shall affer a mlinilimuirn of one spring and/oir falH itecyclung dirolp.-off <br /> event(s)wfn it iitems not,inoirmalilly accepted at-the cuirlb are collierted for reryclIfing., <br /> If the Municipality !is hosting a monthly drolp-off as described Ibellow, the spiringtfall1l <br /> recycilling dirolp-off event irnay ibe included withilin that program., <br /> Ib„ 'The Municipality !is encouragedto expand !its recycling progirairn -to include one oir <br /> imoire of the foll1lowing components in order-to iteceive adidiffloinall funding. <br /> Organize monthly/quairterlly itecycliling drop-off events which can The Ihelld in <br /> coniunction with a nelighlboiding municipallity(les) on a cooperative Ibasis for the <br /> citizens of bottidalill v-nunicilpallitles,, <br /> li. Provide a community event itecycling prograirn,which at a minilimium would consist <br /> of providing iracyclilling opportunities at,alill Municilpall sipoinsored or Quasi.-Municipall <br /> events and -Festivals as itequired lby Minn., Stat. § 115A,151. 'The feasibility of <br /> addling organics colilection at -the event willill The explored and if feasible, <br /> impIleirriented as am enhancement-to the waste abatement progiraim., <br /> 11L Provide the olippoirtunility for citizens to engage in recycliling actlivilties at Municipal <br /> and Quasi-Municilpall fa iillitii itequired lby Minn., Stat. § 115A.,151 such as <br /> athIletic filiellds and pulblilic centeim., <br /> iv. Organize aind marnag IFuuillmSiervice IF cyclilling IC irolp.-off Center, <br /> v. DevisIlkv eiir-iibanir;ed urecyciing pr(.:xnotloru rand assi.stance fr,.)iir urriu.Atifarnlily dwe lilings. <br /> A. Develop additional oppoirtunitiles -for source-selpairated compostablie imateirialls <br /> Ili tion.. <br /> 23 <br />