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callcwlafloins., Any otheir imateriall ireirnoved -froirn the waste stream lby -the <br /> Municipality, Le., tires and used oil, shall also be reported (pair telly. <br /> Ib,, information regarding any revenue received ,froirn sources otheir t1hainthe County <br /> -for -the Municipality's recycling pimgirairns, Le.. revenue -taken lin frorn -the saIle of <br /> recyclableand fees ooill ected froirn resildents, shaill The irepoirted., <br /> C. oplea of ali jpiroirnotloinall imateirials that have beein prepared by the IMu6c1ljpality <br /> duirIling -the-term of this Agreernerd-to Iplrornnota jiffs irpcyclIng and oirgankx coillection <br /> Prograirns., <br /> d. The Municipality agrees to suppoirt County efforts lin ob iiniimn Ihauuieir reports lby <br /> ensuring compliaince through ordinance, contract or license requirements and the <br /> abillity to exeirclise Ipuniffive actions, if ineeded. <br /> TIhe Munlicipaility agrees to furnish the County Wth additional irepomf lin form and <br /> at frequencies requested by the County for tiro ainciall evaluation, Iprograirn <br /> imainagerneint purposes, and relportingtothe State of Minnesota. <br /> 7 WILLING AND PAYMEIN 111'PIROCEIDIUIII E, 'The MLAirilcipality shaill subinnit itemized!Invoices <br /> sernii.-aninuafly to -the County for abateirneint activities mn Ilafeir thain Jully 15, 2019 and <br /> Januairy 10, 2020., Costs n0t, bililed lby Jainua.iry 10, 2020 W111 not The efigilble fair funding.. <br /> The iInvolices shaIIII be (paid liin accordance with staindaird County procedures, subject tothe <br /> approval of the Anolka County Board of Cornirnission ers., <br /> 8., <br /> PURI LICAT10III 4S... Phe Municipality shall acknowledge the flinaincial assistance of the <br /> Anolka County oin all promotional imatemai s, relports, and publicatJoins relating to -the <br /> activiffies, funded under this Agreement, by Including the following adkinowledgerneint: <br /> "Fuinded lby the Anolkouurnt.y IEoard of Connirnissioneirs and State SCORE (Select <br /> Committee Oin Recycling and the IEinviironirnent) ifuuinds.," 'The Municipality shaill provide <br /> coples of aill proinno-floinal materials funded by this uaint., <br /> 'The County shall pimvide, aill Ip6infed Ipnubliic information Ipleces albout ou n Ipsograirins., A <br /> Municipality 0--iall not irnodify Couirity Ipuulblications related to business rerYG141g, Ihousialhold <br /> hazardous waste imainageinn eint:or the County compost sites., <br /> Infoinmatloin abokA the Countys Ibuu lirn s irecyciling prograirn, household hazardous waste <br /> imainagerrieint Ipirngirann oir County cornpost sites that a IMuumniculpaiiity pIains -to pulblish iIn a <br /> Muinicipall communication, Iprilinfed oriectron!ic, shall The provided to the Co uinty for review <br /> and approved by-the County Ipuim--to publication to einsuaccu <br /> re racy wind consistency., <br /> pm III INIDIEIM INIII IMICATI101K., The County agrees-to indemnify, defend, and hold fine Municipality <br /> harivniess froirn all claims, der nands, and causes of acUoin of any kind oir chairaGteir, <br /> Includling the cost of defense -thereof, resulting froirn the acts or omissions of Itspii,jIbIfic <br /> afficials, officeirs, ageints, eirnployees, and cointraGlOrs relating to a tiiviitie Iperforimed by <br /> -theCounty. under this Agreement. <br /> Ti h Iouiniiciilpalliilky agrees iind . , defend, and hold -the County hwrnm less -froall <br /> to iarninify, <br /> c(hili ns, deniands, and causes of artion, of any kind or chairacter, including 'the cost of <br /> def in thereof, resulting from the acts or ornissioins c:)f its public officials, officem,agents, <br /> 25 <br />