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Thi Illeti.erwas sent all <br /> Anoka County electelid iic:),ftai!is afttve <br /> CO'fty of Cent&iv�lfliu:...,�. <br /> 0 U I" Y A D M I N I S T RA T !l 0 �N <br /> Octolbeir 5, 2018 <br /> 'The litonor alble J li ar <br /> Mayor, City of Centerville <br /> '1880 Main Street <br /> Centervifle, MIN 55038 <br /> RE. Rice Greek Watershed IDistrict Appointment <br /> Dear Mayor IPaair:: <br /> In accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § W3&227, Anoka County in <br /> October 2016 published a notice -that a term will expire for a manager on the IRice <br /> Creelk Watershed District IBoard of Managers. The notice publication itequirement <br /> applies because Rice Greek Watershed District is considered a Watershed <br /> management organization. The published ina tice states that Ipersons interested in <br /> being appointed irnay submit their naives tothe appointing authority, w1hich is the <br /> county board for a watershed district appointment. For your information, a copy <br /> of the notice is enclosed. <br /> lin appointing a imanager to the Rice Creelk Watershed Distdct, IMinin., Stat., § <br /> 103D.,311 is also applicable. 'This statute requires a county board, upon the <br /> expiration of a term, to appolint managers for a watershed district from a Iliist of <br /> persons norninated .jolintly or severally by the cilties and munlicipallities within the <br /> district iif a list(s) is submitted 60 days Ibefore tlh imanager's -term of office expires <br /> or to,appoint a manageir w1ho resides !in a city that faills to submit a list., 'The <br /> vacancy expires on January 17, 2019. <br /> In order for -the county -to accept norninations, -they must The iracelived by Friday, <br /> November 16, 2018. If theire is a desire tojolintly subinnit a 1111stfoir the manager <br /> appointment, you may wish-to confer with affected cities and jointly submit the 1111sL <br /> 'The cities with -territory located !in the Rice Creek Watershed District are IBlaine, <br /> CenlerAlle, lir ll Plin es, Collumbla Heights, Columbus, Fridley, Lexington, 111ino <br /> ILakes, and Spring ILalke Park.. <br /> In order for inairnes submitted to the county to The considered a list under the <br /> statutory definition, the list irmnust ooretain the names of at least three noinninees <br /> eligible to The appointed, 'To be eligible-for an appolintiment,a norniiria imust reside <br /> within the watershed district boundaries, be eligible -to vote !in -the district, and not <br /> The a public officer of the county, state, or federal government (except that a soil <br /> and water conservation supervisor can be appolinted). <br /> Gtz,� n"rinent 1,",�erflter 'It" 21100 3 &Jlte 71DAnil @: 1\111rJ 5,"52Q3-5024 <br /> Off1 e 763,324 (,'1('00 F�RC O <br /> Actb��rrdIEcv,a,w Ojr�q;)ortiurniity E1,rnq,'doYair <br /> 55 <br />