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General L <br /> Monthly Financial <br /> Month Ended October 31, 2018 <br /> %of year <br /> 3,3 <br /> MTD YTD ll31udget Variance %Budget <br /> 110131/2018 2018 20,18 Used <br /> Revenues: <br /> Property Taxes $ 1,180,118.01 $ 2,179,980 (999,861.99) 54.13% <br /> Other Taxes&Assessments 5,700 (5,700.00) 0.00'yb <br /> Licenses&Permits 13,353.58 221,930.59 127,000 94,930-59 174.75% <br /> Intergovernmental 61,639.50 117,665.73 297,790 (180,124.27) 39.51% <br /> Charges for Services 50.75 198.75 2,100 (1,901"25) 9.46°•'/° <br /> Fines&Forfeits 714.39 10,083.14 26,000 (15,916.86) 3818% <br /> Interest Earnings 680.50 11,316..01 '13,000 (1,683.99) 87.05% <br /> Miscellaneous-Refunds Revenues 1,000..0059,856,.1"7 11,000 48,856.17 E .15% <br /> Total <br /> eve a '7'7 .�.7 ..... ..........1,601,68.40- 2,662,5'7tt '...........50� SQt„14 r° <br /> .m. ....... 01, <br /> Expenditures: <br /> General Government <br /> Mayor and Council 2,502.88 22,663.41 31,100 (8,436.59) 72.87% <br /> Administration 28,316.22 226,722.97 311,200 (84,477.03) 72.85°res <br /> Elections 4,267.42 '7,800 (3,532.58) 54.71% <br /> Auditing 7,466.67 15,000 (7,533.33) 49"78% <br /> Assessing 12,150.75 16,500 (4,349.25) 73.64% <br /> Legal - 48,907.47 91,000 (42,092.53) 53.74% <br /> Planning&Zoning 800.00 2,926.64 15,400 (12,473.36) 19..00% <br /> City Hall Bldg and Grounds 1,349.08 14,333.02 18,900 (4,566.98) '75.84% <br /> 000 <br /> Economic Development 293.40 438.40 3.60( 1 43,64% <br /> ........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............,.............. <br /> Total General Government .... 3,261.58 339,874„75 507,900 (168,025.25) 86„9.2% <br /> Public Safety <br /> Police Protection 656,250.75 875,001 (218,750.25) '75.00% <br /> Fire Protection 114,461.55 317,339.05 427,969 (110,629.95) '74,15!° <br /> Electrical Inspection 2,779.20 7,932.03 6,000 1,932.03 132,.20% <br /> Building Inspection 13,537.00 112,761.06 128,050 (15,288.94) 88..061 <br /> Emergency Management 1,107.00 1,500 (393,00) '73,80% <br /> Other Protection 3,100 (3,100.00) 0,00% <br /> Total Public Safety .........11110,,,77"1.715 1,109k:3819 819 1, 1,620 (346,230,11) 75.98% <br /> Public Works <br /> Public Works General 16,794.06 194,873.62 236,900 (42,026.38) 82.26% <br /> Streets 2,298.21 50,583.93 55,000 (4,416.07) 91.97% <br /> Parks Maintenance 11,429.58 89,779.40 94,400 (4,620.60) 95,11% <br /> Engineering 1,994.75 35,989.47 38,000 (2,0%53) 94.71% <br /> Recycling 2,635.32 23,185.12 18,200 4,985.12 127.39% <br /> Total Public or 35,151.92 394,411, 2,500 (48,088.46T <br /> �����,�����'.",��_ <br /> ,4 119.'t 3°,r° <br /> Culture and Recreation <br /> Culture&Rec-Display case 50.00 - 50"00 0.00% <br /> Park Committee 979.18 2,953.92 2,800 153.92 '105,50% <br /> Park Programs 9,260.99 10,600 (1,339.01) 8737% <br /> City Festival 10,375.3 7,150 3,225.38 145„11% <br /> Total Culture and Recreation -22,640.29 20,5502.090.29 110.,1'7/° <br /> Total Expenditures 200,170.43 1, 2,31 A7 2,412,570 _ ( ) .76...78% <br /> EXCESS(DEFICIT)REVENUES (122,731.71) EL.148.071$ 250,000 5 1,14 -100.,46% <br /> OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES) <br /> Operating Transfer In /A <br /> Operating Transfer Out (250,000.00) (250,000) - 100,00% <br /> TOTAL T E SOURCES/(USES) 11110,000,00 (25tI,1y00 % <br /> ..........,I.................. <br /> NET REVENUEIEXPENDITURES <br /> 6;........... (50911..:x,.1,.'8..0"7 <br /> Notes. <br /> 62 <br />