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Anokca County <br /> M $ NNESOTA <br /> PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE - CDBG FUNDING (30-point section) <br /> 0 N/A - Applying for HOME Funding <br /> Does this project involve water/sewer improvements, street improvements, or other infrastructure? <br /> 0 No Z Yes, complete the following questions; <br /> What is the urgency of the improvement? (600-characters) <br /> The streets in the downtown area are in very poor condition and have received only minimal <br /> maintenance for many years. If the streets are repaired,without the addition of water service, at this <br /> time, it would make it financially infeasible to install water for the next 15+ years. In this time frame, <br /> homes may experience a failing well and would be left, unable to connect to the city's water system. <br /> Is the improvement included in the city/town improvement plan? (600-characters) <br /> The city implemented a pavement management plan in 2004 and has completed all but this project. <br /> Along with the street plan, utility improvements were also contemplated, included adding water service <br /> to the downtown area as part of the city's larger goal of providing municipal services (sewer and water) <br /> to all residents. <br /> What circumstances led to the need for federal assistance? (600-characters) <br /> The low to moderate income homes in the area could not sustain the levels of assessment necessary to <br /> complete the street and utility improvements project. If the project was completed without assistance, <br /> it could drive people from their home, by forcing them to sell in order to pay the assessment. Federal <br /> assistance would also curb the potential rise in rent as rental owners look to recover assessment costs. <br /> 89 <br />