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) If WcoW Is II'b Gun red, copy of rrurr nt on-&ii.flie, fligur kense kenrrrU t be Ijpranlrudlumd. <br /> IIIrstjr'&Iicle II ' glgiiij : <br /> The Cityn teirvillllll iir uiiiurn temnts to obtalin iiinsuir nc Ipuriil'Or to approvall. The following <br /> in <br /> events include de (parades andlor other imobile events utilizing iity of Ceintemille streets, events open to the public <br /> with a large inuurnber of attendees, City staff, or any other eve ruts deemed necessairy by the City of Centwvllle. <br /> Y,� a condition of the iprrr°uiit the ppliin,r it°rlh sh llll. <br /> „ I irociare andimaintain in uur ra p which fincludes the iiit 'f Ceinteirvilille as named Insured am addiii't um 111 <br /> Mnrnl unr '„ (Note:: II...isfing the City as the Cei tiific te Holder does in t rnean the (' iity is ain additional 14"isured.. It <br /> must state iiin the ' riptii r"n lbox the City (or ii't(bated as Cirtiifit Holder) its an additional Iirn uured. <br /> I0 If alcohol its being served, the entity sewving the alcohd must provide a Certificat.e.of I icit,mr 8....Wglity <br /> Insurance m rid listing the City 't Centerville anadditional � n uv. do <br /> ..t...lie Certificate of Illrn u�ulr .lnc must ....,,s^�..,U;�lbirInitt ? ..., IIt�,'II...,�I�YI,.II��..... .II II II 'tI ICmo <br /> E:] rhis insurance will meed to Ipr(,-Md the level( of coverage that theCity of Centerville detw'irniines to the <br /> inecessairy and adequale under the dircuirrn t nnl „ <br /> [ffPo <br /> it ceirtairii events the City im y reqiike sirnpleroof r„rtiinur° <br /> Its iiirn uur in e required (as det rimiiin d Ihy City stafD�. .... Yep w�u <br /> Signature. <br /> w � ".°.)ate',: <br /> Return rhiis torirn toy Cory of Cerotervfllle <br /> 1.880 Maiin .Street; <br /> entervaitl , MN 55038 <br /> *NNewer note'that t' Inuwrer"' ',�es associated YVd'ith the use,of'ith IC,ity's parks(Deposit,sit", User"" E"tc.) <br /> *ff you would lik ,y ur event published on the rity's wevbsite or Reader Board? Please indicate: JPS ,y(r�t'" m o <br /> Please note,it must meet the Ciry's criteria as below. <br /> „gym 1pformation related-to City businc.s.s or other government agencies <br /> m Requestv fromCentennial School District,12 <br /> m Requests all registered no n.. r /1t organization rw located within the City of Centerville <br /> 4. y not be reglaered as a non..-pr9fiff organization ft c. School events, Fete des Lacs, etc.) <br />