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PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING <br /> CITY OF CENTERVILLE PART 1 WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN <br /> March 27, 2019 <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> Wellhead protection is a means by which public water suppliers can protect the groundwater resources <br /> that supply drinking water to the community's wells. This is accomplished by identifying the capture <br /> zone of the wells and identifying any potential sources of contamination that may lie within that capture <br /> zone. A management plan is then established to help reduce the risks of contamination impacting the <br /> aquifer(s). <br /> Wellhead protection planning is a requirement that was established by the U.S. Environmental <br /> Protection Agency(EPA) as part of their amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1986.The EPA <br /> has left the individual states in charge of administering the wellhead protection program. In Minnesota, <br /> the program is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), with the rules established <br /> and adopted in 1997.The MDH requires that all public water suppliers in Minnesota develop and <br /> implement a wellhead protection plan. <br /> The City of Centerville originally developed a Wellhead Protection Plan ten years ago. All public water <br /> suppliers are required to amend their plan every ten years to take into account changes with water <br /> usage, changes in land use, and changes with potential contamination sources.The amended plan must <br /> be completed by February 28, 2020. <br /> The Part 1 Wellhead Protection Plan contains the following elements: <br /> 1. The capture zones of the City's wells have been identified, using a computer groundwater <br /> model.These capture zones identify what portion of the aquifer(s) supply water to the City's <br /> wells over both a 1-year period and a 10-year period. <br /> 2. Using the capture zones generated by the model,the Drinking Water Supply Management Area <br /> (DWSMA) is defined using identifiable land surface features, such as roadways, parcel lines, and <br /> other land survey lines.The DWSMA is the area of land that the City will development a <br /> management plan for in the Part 2 process. <br /> 3. The vulnerability of the aquifer(s) underlying the DWSMA has been identified, using available <br /> geologic information. The DWSMA has been identified as having a "moderate" level of <br /> vulnerability to contamination. Geologic data shows that some protective layers exist between <br /> the land surface and the aquifer, but these protective units do not meet the required thickness <br /> to designate the aquifer as "low"vulnerability.The possibility exists that some contaminants <br /> could infiltrate through these protective layers. <br /> 20 <br />