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City of Centerville <br /> Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 13,2019 <br /> 1. None. <br /> IX. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Conditional Employment Offer (P-T Receptionist/Office Technician) <br /> Administrator Statz stated that staff would like to make an employment offer to the top <br /> candidate, contingent on the results of a background check and drug screening. Love suggested <br /> not sending a rejection notice to candidate #2 until candidate #1 accepts. <br /> Motion by Council Member Koski, seconded by Council Member Lakso to Authorize City <br /> Administrator to Offer a Conditional Employment Offer to the Candidate That Best Fits <br /> the City's Needs and If Needed to Candidate #2 if Candidate #1 Does Not Accept. All in <br /> favor. Motion carried. <br /> 2. Downtown TIF District—Authorization to Begin Structure Inspections <br /> Administrator Statz stated that staff is requesting authorization to commence the beginning <br /> phase(s) of determining whether it is feasible to create a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district <br /> within the downtown area. He stated that included in the packet was a timeline and staff has <br /> discussed this with the City's Financial Consultant. <br /> Finance Director DeJong stated that the City currently has a TIF District within the downtown <br /> area that has just 11 years left of its 25 year period (est. 2005). Since there were no projects <br /> within the first five (5) years the City is limited to spending 25% of any new increment and <br /> would only be able to capture that increment for the remaining 11 years. With these facts in <br /> mind, staff is recommending decommissioning the existing district and starting a new one. He <br /> stated that the City would like to determine whether the area would qualify for the creation of a <br /> new district by meeting the initial eligibility tests. He also stated that to qualify for the TIF <br /> District the area must contain at least 70% occupied parcels. An occupied parcel, is one where <br /> 15% of the land area is covered by impervious surface parking or structure. He stated that the <br /> area just meets the 70% criteria. However, 50% of the structures in the same area must be <br /> considered"substandard" which the state defines as a building that would require at least 15% of <br /> the cost of a replacement building to bring the existing building up to current standards. He <br /> reported that it is believed that most of the homes in the downtown area were constructed prior to <br /> the City adopting the building code in 1983. He stated that the City must make a good faith <br /> effort to gain entry to the property, but if the property owner does not allow entry, the City can <br /> complete a "table top" review of the property for permits and etc. to determine whether it is <br /> "substandard". He reported that a letter would be forwarded to the property owner requesting the <br /> inspection and follow-ups through telephone calls and door knocking. <br /> Administrator Statz stated that the City's Building Inspector and Building Official will handle <br /> the inspections so that there would be no costs associated with hiring a consultant and there is <br /> not commitment to commence a TIF District if the City does not qualify or chooses not to. <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> 27 <br />