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• f li <br /> It is my honor to present our 2018 Annual Report. While it is my <br /> privilege to author this introductory page, the credit for the content of <br /> this document really belongs to the dedicated men and women who <br /> comprise the Centennial Lakes Police Department. <br /> A low crime rate, public confidence in our ability and integrity, sound <br /> policing operations, policies and practices in accord with national <br /> standards,and quality personnel at all levels of the organization arejust <br /> a few of our noteworthy accomplishments. <br /> Much of our success is a reflection of how we are staffed, trained, and <br /> managed. Our philosophy of policing and our adherence to certain <br /> fundamentals of organizational development have been additional <br /> llilrNYPIiI�Ilmihui�tlio9q�Y'14�rlViil�� <br /> keys to our success, i.e. if you hire the right people; provide them with <br /> the right training, right equipment, the right policies, and the right <br /> Chief James Coan leadership; then the right things will happen. <br /> In the year ahead, we will further our professional growth and development; adhere to the fundamentals of <br /> policing and organizational management; maintain close partnerships with our citizens, our schools, and with <br /> other local law enforcement agencies; and we will continue to render the same high level of safety service <br /> that our citizens have come to expect. We will strive for excellence and continue to work hard to ensure the <br /> safety and stability of the Cities of Circle Pines, Lexington, and Centerville. <br /> None of what we accomplish could be achieved without the dedication and effort put forth by so many in our <br /> Department. As individuals and as a law enforcement agency we have the capacity to meet virtually any <br /> challenge. <br /> In conclusion, I wish to thank all of our personnel, our Governing Board, Mayors, City Administrators, and our <br /> citizens for their continued support and cooperation. I believe that the future of the Centennial Lakes Police <br /> Department remains very bright and that together we stand ready to meet the challenges of a new year. <br /> Chief of Police <br /> 2018 Annual Report CENTENNIAL LAKES POLICE DEPATMENT <br />