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6/12/2019 <br />Administration <br />IX. 2 <br />Ord. #93 Revisions (First Reading) - Small Wireless Facility <br />On June 4, 2019 the Planning & Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing regarding the above stated code <br />revisions. Ms. Robyn Moore, 7353 - 20th Avenue North attended and provided input regarding the possibility <br />of negative health affects associated with 5G technology. Ms. Moore has been providing Commission and <br />Council Members with information that she has researched online. The Commission had lengthy discussion <br />regarding the City's ability to not allow such technology and asked for Staff to consult with the City Attorney <br />on this matter. However, the Commission recognized the necessity to regulate the technology as the current <br />code does not address it. Therefore there was support to move forward with the ordinance as written. The <br />subject could be revisited in the future. <br />N/A <br />Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to Council to Adopt the submitted Ord. #93 Revisions as <br />presented. ****FIRST READING**** No formal action @ this time. <br />Ord. #93 revisions as attached <br />187 <br /> <br />