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<br />I <br />I <br />,I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I NVESTlGATlONS <br /> <br />Investigator Russell A. Blanck' <br /> <br />The dcpaitment's 200S investigative fimction was multi-faceted. My primary <br />responsibility this put ycar was oveneein& OIl a daily basis, the CODStructi.on of the <br />depertmeot's new facility. My bdgrouud as a retired litigator with significant <br />experieace in die field of eonstn.Jedon made that ~ logical. (See a separate <br />section of this annual .report addressing the new buildi"8) Nonetheless, I continued <br />to tbr1her the department's investigation ftmction by miew:ing officer reports and <br />teletypes as wen as cr:im.inal alerts from other dqNktn.mts to develop "intcUigcqceM <br />directly relevant to our depertmeot's mission. I also taught D.A.R..E. during the first <br />ball of the year. <br /> <br />Additionally, when possible, I continued to CODduct interviews of victims, witnesses <br />and suspects, prepare cr:im.inal prosecution charging documents, sign in-custody <br />complaints, prepare affidavits to permit the continued detention of amstees, and <br />cODduct such "special" investigations as directed by ~~, During this <br />timcframc I handled, among other matters, a multi-jurisdictiODBl Jauadromat theft and <br />cr:im.inal dam. to property matter, a significant residential dwelling m matter, a <br />burglary of a church, 8Dd a sawed-oft'shotgun matter. I assisted patrol, bac~ on <br />calls, advising on evideDcc issues, ~"g evidence, and wortiDg uniformed <br />petrol on 24 oecasioos. <br /> <br />In 2005 several officers again took advantage of the "on-call investigator program" I <br />initiated in 2001. The program, designed to provide dUection OIl coDStitutional, <br />procedural, charging and evidendmy issues to on-scene ot1icers aDd supervisors, <br />supp1emeDts tbosc services pmvicIed by the CrimiDal Investigations Division of the <br />Anob County Sheriff's Ofticc and the "on-caJl" prosecutor. I was contacted by <br />officers at home cleven times. <br /> <br />I also coDducted background investigations of police officer candidates and <br />adminildrative candidates in 2005. Additionally, I CODducted 56 investigations of <br />iDdividuals !IN'!lri11g permits from the department to purchase fin:arms. <br /> <br />In addition to the foregoing duties I handled a JIUDlber of admiDistrative projects <br />includiag researching aDd preperiDg the department's "gas drive-oft" procecLnl <br />J*bt, the lC8pODSC to ftltircd ofticen' requests for baDdgun carry permits under <br />newly enacted federal Jaw H.R. 218, a Pursuit Intaventioo TecImiques ("PIT') <br />policy, an tmpIoyee recopition policy, and serving on the ~twmd:.s policy <br />review comqaitfee where I Pttended Dine art;.,. and edited the existing depanmeDt <br />DOlicv manual. <br />