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<br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />:1 <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />,I <br />I <br /> <br />N EWDEPARTMENTFACILITY <br /> <br />Investigator RusseU A. Blanck <br /> <br />A sigDifi~ if not the most sigoificant event for the department in 2005 Was the <br />CODSttuction ofits new home. Located at the comer of Late Drive aud North Road in <br />Circle Pines, the DeW police department facility, a sinsle story, 12,500 square foot <br />structure, ~ the cumulative eftOrt and mion of ID8Il)' people over a several <br />year period. <br /> <br />To say that buildi", the DeW facility was a "team effort" would be an undentattment <br />of epic proportions. Beginni", in January and extending tIuougbout the entire year, a <br />core group of individuals 'WOrbcl tirelessly to dot fNfIrJ "i" and cross fNfIrJ "t" in the <br />CODSttuction proc:css. In addition to the professioaals raaiDcd for the project, Circle <br />Pines City Manager Jim KeiDath and departmeat penoDD.el including Chief Makela. <br />Captain Nelson, AdminildrBtive AssiJtsmt Cindy Lewis aDd I met weekly, aDd often <br />more Iiequeotly, ~ tbe CODStruction. City Manager Keinath deserves special <br />mention for his leadership and expertise. <br /> <br />The new building is state-of-the-art and includes, among other 1hiDgs, a large <br />trainiDglmeetiD& room that will also serve as an operations center duriDg emergeocies, <br />an expanded squad room for 1he officers, a break room, separate men's aDd women's <br />locker rooms and sbowa:s, a fitness room, a gun armory, on-site evidence and <br />property m:as, a smaIJ confen:nceImeeting mom, adminis1rative offices, a unisex as <br />weB as separate men's and women's R'ISfroomS, a wort room. and a detention facility <br />contAini", two cells, a day room, two interview rooms and a space for the Intoxilyzer <br />instrument used in ~i"l DWI's. The buildi. is winxI for SOUDd throughout to <br />receive calls from dispatch and is equipped with motion activated digi1al cameras. <br />The cameras are capable ofbeiDg monitored from every computer in the building. <br /> <br />One of the more appreciated features of the building is its en~ security for <br />department personnel. The building bas defined secure zones including a fenced <br />parking lot and a garage capable of holding six squad cars. The garage also serves as <br />a sally port - a secure area for the 1raDsfer of dtonilV'U to and from the detention <br />facility. <br /> <br />I apprecjate the confidmce vested in me by Chief Mab1a by desipati.. me as the <br />department member teSpODSible for the day-to-day issues during the CODS1n1Ction <br />process. It was a full-time job and then some. However, as is often said, "the devil is <br />in the detaiIs," 8Dd the abeeDce of any sigJ'ifi...-t problems upon completion of the <br />CODSttuction Dllkes the effort exerted that much more rewarding. <br /> <br />~ ~ ~ ~_least, I o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ties of~~ Circle ~~ <br />