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September 11, 2019 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />RE: Downtown Zoning Updates <br />(7)updated <br />consistently <br />grade garages or garages that are internal to the sites, where feasible. <br />(8)In Section C. II. a. the photo below parking strategies showing a stormwater pond and <br />cap <br />is inconsistent with the content of this section. <br />(9)the <br />zoning code which does not set a minimum lot area. <br />(10) <br />with other setback requirements in this section: <br />Primary building facades should be consistent at the built-to line. Build-to line shall be 20 ft. <br />behind the public ROW no more than 5 feet from the right-of-way or roadway easement. <br />Ground floor stoops or porches may extend to 8 ft from the sidewalk should have a <br />consistent setback of 5-10 feet. Setbacks from the built-to line for courtyards or other <br />recesses shall not comprise more than 40% of the façade. All buildings must be built to the <br />build-to lines at all street corners. <br />(11) <br />ll be updated to 30 units per acre. These <br />densities are consistent with the zoning code. <br />(12)ll be <br />subject to individual review. <br />(13)th <br />preve Downtown <br />Neighborhood will be fully enclosed in private facilities, where feasible. <br />(14) <br />promote consistency in the public realm, the City will be responsible for designing and <br />building streetscaping, with the costs borne by developers and/or abutting property <br />(15)In Section C. IV. all text will be removed as it is redundant with the zoning code. The only <br />section that will remain is the first paragraph <br />33 <br /> <br />