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September 11, 2019 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />RE: Downtown Zoning Updates <br />Zoning Code Text Changes <br />Changes are needed to the zoning code in order to maintain consistency with the Master Plan <br />and zoning map, as well as to remove unnecessary language and fix typographical errors. These <br />include the following changes which are summarized in part in the attached revised Table 156-A.1 <br />in the Zoning Code, as well as in the attached draft ordinance: <br />(1)A typographical error will be fixed in Section 156.051 to reflect the correct term, Mixed Use <br />District (M-1). <br />(2)The Purpose statement of Sections 156.051(A) will be updated to clarify that the M-1 district <br /> in the Master Plan, and that the district <br />implements the Master Plan, and all subsequent revisions. This is important given the <br />proposed revisions to the Master Plan document. <br />(3)es <br />must <br />requirements in the Master Plan. <br />(4)Unnecessary or redundant language will be removed from Section 156.051 (C) Special <br />requirements. Subpoint (5) regarding stormwater management will be removed and the <br />list will be renumbered accordingly. <br />(5)The Purpose statement of Sections 156.052(A) will be updated to clarify that the M-2 district <br /> the <br />district implements the Master Plan, and all subsequent revisions. This is important given the <br />proposed revisions to the Master Plan document. <br />(6)Permitted uses in the M-2 (Section 156.052 (B)), will be updated to remove the statement <br />limiting the percentage of ground level or office space in corner lot structures. <br />(7)Unnecessary or redundant language will be removed from Section 156.052 (C) Special <br />requirements. Subpoint (6) regarding stormwater management will be removed and the <br />list will be renumbered accordingly <br />(8)Table 156.A.1 District Allowed Uses will be updated to allow residential, specialized and <br />day care facilities only by PUD. <br />(9)Table 156.A.1 District Allowed Uses will be updated to allow Public buildings in the M-2 only <br />by PUD. <br />36 <br /> <br />