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the Permit. <br />6) This Interim Use Permit may be renewed annually by the approval of the City <br />Council upon the Landowner's demonstration of their intent to seek an operating <br />license for a 16-unit senior living/memory care facility on the Subject Property. <br />7) Once the Landowner's licensure to operate a 16-unit senior living/memory care <br />facility on the Subject Property has been granted, and the facility accepts its first <br />patient, the City will observe the facility's operations for a period of one-year. <br />8) During the one-year period of observation, the Landowner shall cooperate with <br />the City's review and investigation of its operations. The Landowner shall permit <br />the City access to its records and provide responsive information as requested. <br />This Interim Use Permit may be renewed to facilitate this one-year period of <br />observation, thereafter, no further renewal of the Interim Use Permit will be <br />granted. After the close of this observation period and expiration of the Interim <br />Use Permit, the Landowner must obtain a Conditional Use Permit from the City in <br />order to continue operating its facility. <br />9) By issuing this Interim Use Permit, the City does not promise or guarantee that it will <br />approve a future Conditional Use Permit to the Landowner. <br />10) Site lighting on the Subject Property will be downcast cutoff type fixtures directed <br />away from adjacent residential uses with no more than one half (0.5) foot-candle <br />of light at all exterior lot lines. The lighting plan will be submitted to the City Planner <br />and City Engineer for approval before a building permit is issued. <br />1 1) Landscaping and screening shall be provided as follows: <br />a. The site plan will be revised to include a wall or fence to the adjacent <br />property at least 6 feet in height to screen the east side of the site and to <br />allow views to the pond north of the site, to be reviewed and approved by <br />the City Planner. <br />b. If the facility includes an outdoor patio or recreation area, the entirety of <br />this area shall be screened to the satisfaction of the City Planner. <br />c. At least 3% of the paved driving areas shall be landscaped with grass, <br />shrubbery or approved ground cover as required by City Code. <br />12) The exterior building materials will be face brick, finished block or other textured <br />masonry product. <br />13) Screening of the trash enclosure will be reviewed and approved by the City <br />Planner. <br />14) Signage for the project will be reviewed and approved by the City Planner. <br />15) Users of the site will produce no noise, vibrations, air pollution, light pollution, fire <br />112 <br />