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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />While the City is doing their part in creating a regulatory land use plan that permits areas of <br />greater density, barriers to development of affordable housing still exist in the region as well as <br />in Centerville. Some of these barriers <br />Steady increases in land prices. <br />Increase in construction costs. When combined with land prices, it becomes more <br />difficult to provide affordable units through new construction. <br />Physical limitations of land due to wetlands, poor access, poor soils that would increase <br />the cost of land development or construction thus making it more difficult to build <br />affordable units. <br />Limited amount of remaining developable land. <br />State, county and local tax structures. <br />Availability of regional public transit options within the City. <br />There are some significant barriers to construction of new affordable housing including the few <br />named above. It is important that cities help in the effort to provide affordable housing. To <br />assist in this effort, Centerville can use its regulatory tools, including implementing land use and <br />zoning regulations that do not impede the construction of affordable housing. Many of these <br />tools can help developers by reducing setback and open space requirements, increasing <br />density, or reducing fees all in the effort to support construction of affordable housing. <br />The following Housing Action Plan outlines efforts Centerville will explore to maintain existing <br />affordable housing and create new affordable housing in by the year 2030. The items are listed <br />by category, including regulatory, financial and other. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Page 57 <br /> <br /> <br />