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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br />L OCAL F UNDING O PTIONS <br />Economic Development Authority (EDA)ished Economic Development <br />Authority may elect to support or get involved in development projects and will consider <br />supporting those affordable housing projects that exemplify the housing goals enumerated in <br />this plan. Although the Anoka County HRA does not currently operate projects within the City, <br />Centerville should continue to partner with the County HRA on projects and program <br />opportunities as they become available. <br />When this tool may be used: The City would consider using EDA funds for rental or ownership <br />housing units that are affordable at 50% AMI. The City would also consider supporting using <br />these funds if a project would provide necessary <br />at or below 80% AMI. This could support the de <br />Density and Medium Density Residential Districts where multi-unit buildings can be built in scale <br />with single family homes. <br />Tax Increment Financing Centerville may create a tax increment financing (TIF) district with the <br />TIF bonds issued on this district used to support the construction of affordable housing. All <br />property taxes received above the original tax value from the development is used to finance <br />these bonds. Centerville has discretion over TIF allocations. The City will consider using <br />affordable housing TIF for projects that include not only a significant percentage of affordable <br />units but also provide a substantial public benefit (including but not limited to: environmental <br />remediation, enhanced walkable urban design, open space or park land, provision of green <br />housing cost burden. By legislative definition, TIF that is used for affordable rental housing <br />projects must meet provide affordability to those at 60% of AMI or less. The affordability <br />threshold is 115% of AMI for owner-occupied housing projects. <br />When this tool may be used: The City would consider using TIF to support the development of <br />both rental and ownership housing units that are affordable at or below 80% of the AMI. TIF <br />may also be considered for projects which im <br />identified redevelopment area or in instances where a project would redevelop a blighted, <br />contaminated or challenged site. The City would also consider using TIF for projects which <br />would rehabilitate existing multi-family housing stock or provide new multi-family workforce or <br />workforce housing having amenities similar to those found in market rate housing. <br />Tax Abatement Tax abatement is a financing tool that reduces taxes or tax increases for owners <br />of specific properties. Local governments offer the tax reduction to provide a financial incentive <br />for a public benefit, such as creation of housing affordable to low- and moderate-income <br /> <br /> Page 59 <br /> <br />