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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />C HAPTER 9: E CONOMIC C OMPETITIVENESS <br />E CONOMIC C OMPETITIVENESS <br />In 2017, Centerville formed and Economic Development Authority (EDA) with all the associated <br />powers and responsibilities including taxing authority. The EDA will work on economic <br />development activities including development, redevelopment, and job growth within the City. <br />The City and EDA will utilize the goals and policies listed below in promoting the development <br />and redevelopment of properties <br />standards to which development is required to adhere. <br />C OMMERCIAL G OALS AND P OLICIES <br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br />Provide for a variety of employment and development opportunities in the City. <br />Expand employment and tax base in the City. <br />ntral Business District according to the <br />downtown development guidelines. <br />Utilize the Main Street corridor for additional commercial uses in Centerville. <br />se by encouraging new commercial retail <br />development. <br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br />Require that all commercial uses utilize public utility systems. <br />Create a cohesive identity for all commercial areas with design guidelines for buildings, <br />signage, and streetscaping. <br />Provide adequate lot sizes and minimum buildable areas for business uses to provide <br />for convenient and safe access, adequate parking, site buffering and landscaping. <br />Avoid incompatibilities between commercial uses and residential uses. <br />Develop sign regulations that regulate size, height, placement, materials and <br />composition to ensure signs do not detract from the small town-feel and natural beauty <br />of the City. In general free-standing, large or internally lit signs should be prohibited. <br />Evaluate TIF, CDBG and other funding options to provide assistance for CBD <br />redevelopment. <br /> <br /> Page 96 <br /> <br /> <br />