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Mark Statz <br /> <br />Sent:Friday, April 17, 2020 11:27 AM <br />To:Mark Statz; Bill Petracek <br />Subject:FW: City Attorneys : Take-out liquor <br />Caution:Thisemailoriginatedoutsideourorganization;pleaseusecaution. <br />AsanFYI.Justwonderingifyouwantedtosendsomethingtolocationrestaurants,orifyouwanttoasktheCouncilif <br />theCityshouldoptout. <br />From:EdwardCadmanviaLMCMemberLink<> <br />Sent:Friday,April17,202011:22AM <br /> <br />Subject:CityAttorneys:Takeoutliquor <br />Listmates, here's an article we're blasting out on MemberLink today related to the fast-moving take-out liquor legislation. The goal is to make... <br />City Attorneys <br /> Post New Message <br />Take-out liquor <br />Reply to Sender via <br />Reply to Group Reply to Sender <br />Email <br />To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. <br />Edward Cadman <br />Apr 17, 2020 11:22 AM <br />Edward Cadman <br /> <br />Listmates,here'sanarticlewe'reblastingoutonMemberLinktodayrelatedtothefastmovingtakeoutliquor <br />legislation.Thegoalistomakesuremembersknowaboutthelegislation,thatitcontainsanoptoutprovisionand <br />thatwehavearesolutiontooptoutiftheysochooseoncethebillbecomeslaw.Wedon'thavealinkforthefinal <br />billlanguagebecauseoftherush,butwewillshareeventually. <br />Bill Allows Restaurants to Sell Alcohol With Take-Out Meals <br /> <br />April 17, 2020 <br /> <br />While bars and restaurants remain closed to in-person dining in order to contain the community <br />spread of COVID-19, the Minnesota Legislature is assisting restaurants that provide take-out food <br />orders by allowing some off-premises sales of alcoholic beverages for restaurants with on- <br />premises licenses. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />