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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Centerville is currently over 85% developed and within the 2040 planning cycle will likely <br />approach or reach full build out. The focus of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is to focus on the <br />appropriate land uses for the small amount of remaining vacant land, and some emerging <br />opportunities for redevelopment. <br />G ROWTH A SSUMPTIONS AND L AND A VAILABILITY <br />It is estimated there are a combined 370 acres of land identified in the existing land use as <br />vacant or agricultural land in Centerville. The City is currently entirely within the Metropolitan <br />Urban Service Area (MUSA). Future development in Centerville will be limited to a few key areas <br />of the City. These areas were the focus of the Planning Commission and City Council during the <br />eastern border, agricultural and vacant land near the northern and southern borders, and <br />redevelopment areas near the downtown and the lakes. Map 1-2 shows the actual use of the <br />land in Centerville today, regardless of planned land use. This map identifies vacant land and <br />provides a basis for future planning. <br />Table 16 below shows existing land use acres in Centerville based on the 2030 Future Land Use <br />Map (Map 3-1). Note that Right of Way and Water are not labeled on the Map but are included <br />in the below table for acreage purposes. <br /> <br />Table 16: 2030 Existing Land Use <br /> Gross Acres Percentage <br /> <br />Low Density Residential 615 39.4% <br />Medium Density Residential 105 6.7% <br /> <br />High Density Residential 47 3.0% <br /> <br />CBD/Mixed Use 27 1.7% <br />Commercial 99 6.3% <br /> <br />Industrial 79 5.1% <br />Public/Semi-Public 48 3.1% <br /> <br />City Park 36 2.3% <br />Regional Park 144 9.2% <br /> <br />Right of Way* 164 10.6% <br /> Water* 196 12.6% <br />Total 1,560 100% <br /> <br />Map 3-1 shows the areas of change that were the focus of the plan update. Alternative land <br />use scenarios were developed for these areas during the planning process, with the existing <br />2030 comprehensive plan land use designations for those parcels shown in Map 3-1. A <br />breakdown of the 2030 land use designations for the five focus areas and the proposed land <br /> Page 31 <br /> <br /> <br />