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Res. #20-012 - Adopting the 2040 Comp Plan & Sewer Plan
City Council
Res. #20-012 - Adopting the 2040 Comp Plan & Sewer Plan
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YMEREAS, at its regular meeting on April 8, 2020, the Metropolitan Council completed <br />its review of the proposed 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive Sewer Plan and <br />found that the Plan meets the requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act; conforms to <br />the metropolitan system plans for transportation (including aviation), water resources, and parks; <br />is consistent with Thrive MSP 2040; and is compatible with the plans of adjacent jurisdictions <br />and affected special districts and school districts; <br />WHEREAS, the 2040 proposed Comprehensive Plan includes all revisions made during <br />the review process and responds to additional advisory comments that are part of the <br />Metropolitan Council's actions authorizing the City of Centerville to place its proposed 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan into effect; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council approves the City of Centerville's <br />Comprehensive Sewer Plan. <br />NOW THERE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF CENTERVILLE, <br />MINNESOTA, that the City of Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan, including the <br />Comprehensive Sewer Plan, is adopted and is effective as of the date of this resolution. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to sections 473.864 and 473.865 of the <br />Metropolitan Land Planning Act, the City of Centerville will: <br />(1) review its fiscal devices and official controls; <br />(2) if necessary, amend its fiscal devices and official controls to ensure they do not <br />conflict with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan or permit activity in conflict with <br />metropolitan system plans; and <br />(3) submit amendments to fiscal devices or official controls to the Metropolitan Council <br />for "information purposes." <br />The motion of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly made by Member Montain, <br />and duly seconded by Member Lakso. <br />Upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: <br />Mayor Love, Council Members Koski, Lakso, Montain and Wilharber <br />And the following voted against the same: <br />NIA <br />Whereupon this resolution is duly adopted on April 22_, 2020. <br />Mayor, I Love <br />Attest: <br />Mark Statz, PEE, City Administrator/City ]Engineer <br />
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