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2020 - July
City Council
2020 - July
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6/30/2020 9:23:46 AM
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6/30/2020 9:23:46 AM
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<br />VISIT THE CITY ON TH vice to our department!public. Thank you Lt. Blanck for your 20+ years of ser-parency and accountability for both our officers and the The program has been invaluable <br /> in promo?ng trans-cameral program, ahead of many other departments. worn -rests. He also led the implementa?on of the bodyFBI, leading to large drug seizures and important ar-plex cases <br /> involving mul?ple agencies, including the instrumental in helping the department navigate com-inves?ga?ve and administra?ve leader. Russ has been Also re?ring in July four months of <br /> your career would be so interes?ng.your career guiding our department. Who knew the last Thank you Chief Coan for spending the last 10 years of ment.Chief will be re?ring a?er 30+ <br /> years in law enforce-smooth transi?on. Once that transi?on is complete, our Chief Mork takes the reigns in order to ensure a Chief Coan has agreed to stay on for a short ?me a?er <br /> Re?rements board and a group of local police chiefs.nal police staff, city administrators, the governing with 4 different panels of stakeholders, including inter-was selected by the <br /> Governing board a?er interviews than 25 candidates for the job. Ul?mately, Mr. Mork Inves?ga?ons Division. The search process ve?ed more Department where he is currently Lieutenant <br /> of their Chief Jim Mork! Jim comes to us via the Fridley Police The search for a new Police Chief is over. Welcome, Centennial Lakes Police Department A FRIEND OR JOIN ESE FORMS OF <br /> SOCIAL MEDIA, BECOME <br /> <br />
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