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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />June 24, 2020 <br />highway signs directing motorists to businesses). He stated that the <br />EDA is proposing to purchase signs for 75% of the cost with businesses <br />donating the remaining 25% of the costs. <br />iii. Other Mayoral Reports — Mayor Love thanked Trevor Scholl, <br />Municipal Producer, North Metro TV for interviewing him on Monday <br />for the Mayor's Minutes. He stated that he is very proud of the <br />professionalism of the staff at North Metro. <br />He stated that he would be attending a League of MN Cities Conference <br />the following day which would be abbreviated from the major <br />conference which was cancelled due to COVID-19. He stated that the <br />City of Centerville would be having a Vice -President on the Executive <br />Committee shortly and that he was happy to serve in that roll. <br />XI. ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Love stated that the Council would be adjourning to the previously recessed Work <br />Session at 7:35 p.m. Mayor Love stated that a 5 minute brake would take place prior to <br />reconvening at 7:40. A roll call vote was taken. Mayor Love and Council Koski, Lakso, <br />Montain, Wilharber voted in favor. Motion carried. <br />WORK SESSION (Cont'd) <br />1. Fund Balance Policy and City Hall Renovation Finance Plan (Cont'd) <br />Administrator Statz stated that previously staff was to come back to Council with a new Policy for <br />Fund Balances. He stated that now the discussions regarding whether or not the City can afford <br />to renovate City Hall and Council Chambers was to be discussed along with a finance plan for <br />doing so. <br />Administrator Statz stated that he and Finance Director DeJong feel that an argument could be <br />made that a portion of the renovation should come out of sewer, water, storm water funds as all <br />staff salaries expensed by a percentage along with 10% of the building houses water equipment. <br />Discussion ensued regarding appropriate levels being $33,000 from sewer, $33,000 from water, <br />$12,000 from storm sewer, excess fund balance at the end of the year of $178,000 over the 50%. <br />Discussion also ensued regarding funding from the capital fund for HVAC and carpet. Finance <br />Director DeJong stated that he felt it appropriate to spend down the City's excess funds to a level <br />in compliance with State Statute and Council's comfort level and utilize the remaining fund from <br />capital funds earmarked for such renovation. <br />Council Member Koski felt that the funding for the renovation should continue and should not <br />change from first planned. Council Member Wilharber stated that if funding needed to come from <br />the Capital Fund than that is where it should come from and that not a lot of funding has gone into <br />City Hall in the past. Council Member Montain stated that he did not desire for taxpayers to be <br />paying fees and being taxes for the renovation. He felt that the allocation of percentages should <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />