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of the Security. Security shall be calculated in an amount for features as set forth in Code Chapter of <br />153. <br /> <br />The Security for the Second Addition shall be for a term ending not later than November 30, <br />2023, and automatically renewing thereafter unless notice of termination is provided to the City at <br />least forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the term or any renewal date, but this sentence is subject <br />to the provisions below in this Section 13, related to reduction of Security. The notice given must <br />comply with the formal Notice provisions of this agreement. Individual security instruments may be <br />for shorter terms provided they are replaced at least thirty (30) days prior to their expiration. The City <br />may draw down the Security, with a written seven (7) day notice and seven (7) day right to cure by <br />the Developer, for any violation of the terms of the Agreement or this Supplement, or if the Security <br />is to be allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term or any renewal term. The notice and <br />right to cure provisions shall be void if the Security will expire in less than seven (7) days or upon <br />discovery that the Security will not automatically renew (if such discovery is on or after the date that <br />is seven (7) days prior to expiration of the Security). If the required Improvements are not completed <br />at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Security, the City may also draw it down. If the <br />Security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default or held until the Developer has <br />completed the Improvements. The Security instrument shall be in a form substantially similarly to <br />those terms set forth in Exhibit B. <br />The Security may be reduced from time to time pursuant to City policy regarding Security <br />reductions. Upon receipt of proof to the City that work has been satisfactorily completed, financial <br />plans have been received by the City, the Security may be reduced from time to time pursuant to City <br />policy regarding Security reductions. A minimum amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the gross <br />Version 8/6/2020-1 for Council packet Page 8 <br /> <br />