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Res. #20-019 - Electing to Participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program Under Met. Livable Communities Act 2021-2030
City Council
Res. #20-019 - Electing to Participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program Under Met. Livable Communities Act 2021-2030
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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />RES. #20-0./! <br />RESOLUTION ELECTING TO PARTICIPATE IN <br />THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM <br />UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT <br />CALENDAR YEARS 2021 THROUGH 2O30 <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act (Minnesota Statutes sections 473.25 to <br />473.255) establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund which is intended to address <br />housing and other development issues facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota Statutes <br />section 473.121; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, comprising the Tax Base Revitalization <br />Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Local Housing Incentive Account <br />and the Inclusionary Housing Account, is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance <br />to metropolitan -area municipalities; and <br />WHEREAS, a metropolitan -area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the <br />Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund or eligible to receive certain polluted sites cleanup <br />funding from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development unless the <br />municipality is participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program under Minnesota <br />Statutes section 473.254; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires that each municipality establish <br />affordable and life -cycle housing goals for that municipality that are consistent with and promote <br />the policies of the Metropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development <br />Guide; and <br />WHEREAS, a metropolitan -area municipality can participate in the Local Housing Incentives <br />Account Program under Minnesota Statutes section 473.254 if: (a) the municipality elects to <br />participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program; (b) the Metropolitan Council and the <br />municipality successfully negotiate new affordable and life -cycle housing goals for the <br />municipality; (c) the Metropolitan Council adopts by resolution the new negotiated affordable and <br />life -cycle housing goals for the municipality; and (d) the municipality establishes it has spent or will <br />spend or distribute to the Local Housing Incentives Account the required Affordable and Life -Cycle <br />Housing Opportunities Amount (ALHOA) for each year the municipality participates in the Local <br />Housing Incentives Account Program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the (specific municipality): <br />I. Elects to participate. in the Local Housing Incentives Program under the Metropolitan <br />Livable Communities Act for calendar years 2021 through 2030. <br />
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