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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION & COUNCIL MEETING <br />July 22, 2020 <br />5:00 p.m./6:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City of Centerville held their regularly scheduled City <br />Council Work Session & Council Meeting on July 22, 2020 via Zoom Videoconferencing at: <br />, Meeting ID: 478 824 301 with audio only available at: 312-626- <br />6799. The meeting was also live streamed by North Metro TV. <br />WORK SESSION <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor D. Love called the work session to order at 5:06 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Mayor D. Love <br />Council Member Russ Koski (Arrived at 5:14 p.m.) <br />Council Member Michelle Lakso <br />Council Member Tom Wilharber <br />ABSENT: Council Member Matt Montain <br />STAFF: City Administrator Mark Statz <br /> Finance Director Bruce DeJong <br /> the noted individuals were visibly and audibly <br />present on the videoconference call. <br />II. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION <br />1. General Fund Budget <br />Administrator Statz explained that Staff reviewed the budget and refined several line items. He <br />stated that Staff accounted for a 2-3% increase in the Centennial Lakes Police contract for 2021 <br />due to several factors involving the formula and amount of calls, a new Chief on board who has <br />stated that he may have some new ideas but does not desire to rebuild the department. He stated <br />that lawn mowing and capital project contingencies were built in. He also stated that the Storm <br />Water and Street Fund should have some cushion. City Administrator Statz stated that the budget <br />does not need to be adhered to in the way that you must spend the dollars but if they are needed <br />they are there. He explained that the Council has until September to make final decisions. <br /> <br />Finance Director DeJong stated that Staff desired to include known items such as gambling tax as <br />COVID-19 affected this and additional review of Fire Aid versus reimbursements. He stated that <br />he felt that the newly presented General Fund Budget was pretty straight forward. He reported <br />that both he and City Administrator Statz felt that it would be prudent to reflect the loss of income <br />due to the discontinuance of the lease of the <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that Staff removed rebranding and the intern position, but would take <br />input from Council on how they would like to proceed. <br /> <br />