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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 22, 2020 <br />with education (Open House/literature/baby formulas that are low in Manganese) and the use of <br />equipment such as reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, etc. He stated that several larger <br />communities are taking action to reduce contaminates in drinking water by constructing water <br />treatment facilities such as Brooklyn Park, Ramsey, Lino Lakes, etc. He stated that these were <br />large steps and very expensive steps. He also stated that the MN Department of Health will be out <br />testing wells within the next 18 months and also stated that they would more than likely complete <br />two (2) sets of testing as it is recommended to test back to back due to pump variabilities, etc. He <br />also reported that he has worked with the Public Works Director on this issue. <br /> <br />Council Member Koski stated that he had concerns for younger and old individuals that were more <br />susceptible and that he felt education was a wonderful place to start that that other inexpensive <br />avenues could help the delivery of safe/reliable drinking water to residents or equipment installed <br />at their homes. He stated that the City of Lino Lakes is considering a $20,000,000 project and <br />desires to have Centerville participate for $4,000,000. Administrator Statz stated that there were <br />less expensive avenues available for a short term fix whereas the treatment plant would be a long <br />term fix. He also stated that the City does not have the complaints about water staining and <br />smelling or pipe scaling as maybe other communities have which would be another reason to <br />justify such a project. <br /> <br />Council Member Lakso asked if we currently treat our own water. City Administrator Statz stated <br />that we do have a well room on the other side of Council Chambers but it is not filtered. He stated <br />that it is mixed with three chemicals and then forwarded to residents. Administrator Statz stated <br />that there is a lot of items that play into the ppb and requirements than meet the eye. Discussion <br />ensued regarding if a child attends daycare in the City where precautions are taken and then returns <br />home where nothing is done, we have completed our due diligence but the other community(ies) <br />maybe not. Mr. Capelle stated that northern Anoka County appears to contain a higher level of <br />Manganese that other communities in southern Anoka County but just slightly. He also stated that <br />after an infant turns one year old the threshold increases to 300 ppb. <br /> <br />Council Member Wilharber questioned the possibility of providing free bottled water to residents <br />that desired it. Mr. Capelle stated that he felt a reverse osmosis system would be a more suitable <br />solution in a home that had an infant or someone who was compromised/sensitive. Council <br />Member Wilharber questioned the interconnection between the City of Lino Lakes and Centerville <br />and questioned how often we take water from them comparative to how often they take water from <br />us. He also questioned whether the Cities could buy water from each other. City Administrator <br />Statz stated that generally they take water from the City and there are nume <br />can be installed between the systems to allow for exchange, purchasing of water or filtration. Mr. <br />Capelle stated that he was happy to hold a meeting to discuss/educate residents on Manganese <br />similar to that which was held in Lino Lakes. <br /> <br />Mayor Love added clarification as to the Lino Lakes water interconnection and that gallons are <br />paid back between the two (2) entities. Administrator Statz concurred. Discussion ensued <br />regarding a private homeowner getting their well tested for Manganese. Mr. Capelle stated that <br />a lab that would complete testing along with the <br />MN Dept. of Health. <br /> <br />Page 3 of 14 <br /> <br />