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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 22, 2020 <br />Administrator Statz also provided a brief review of the EDA and their recent meeting stating that <br />CenterStage, Facebook and Twitter all have been great avenues for businesses and the City has <br />received nice results from NorthMetro TV. <br />businesses being interested. Administrator Statz also stated that the Committee approved a $5,000 <br />grant to assist a Downtown building owner with construction associated with access to the building <br />and a patio. He stated that these funds comply with the requirements of the EDA and sprucing up <br />the front facades of buildings, etc. He also reported that the City has applied for $304,000 in <br />CARES Act Funding associated with COVID-19 expenses. He stated that the funds will cover <br />expenditures associated with the purchases of personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer, <br />cleaning, purchases such as laptops, etc. to provide services. He also stated that the funds will <br />cover Staff salaries for Public Works due to rotational work schedules. He stated that the funds <br />will also assist the Police and Fire Departments due to their expenditures also. Administrator <br />Statz stated that the funds could also be utilized to assist local businesses that have been affected <br />by COVID-19 and that additional discussions would be had to discuss how these funds would be <br />accounted for. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that the Bayview Villas development has only two (2) lots available <br />with all others being sold. He stated that he had been contacted by the developers of Old Mill <br />Estates who desire to go forward with Phase II of their project. He also stated that building permits <br />have been issued for the mini-storage project and that an easement needed to be vacated on 1825 <br />Main Street to allow for the construction of the proposed 16-unit care facility. Administrator Statz <br />stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission has been busy reviewing several ordinances and <br />putting final touches for modifications. He stated that home sales are holding steady and the <br />economy appears to continue to be strong. He reported that the Public Works Department had <br />recently hired a jetter to clean some areas of the sewer system that were experiencing flowage <br />problems, that the water main installation in the Downtown area was occurring with several <br />residents desiring to be connected. He also reported that a Music in the Park event was recently <br />held with 40-50 individuals in attendance and that all events ar <br />and Twitter. Administrator Statz also stated with the hiring of a new Police Chief and Co-Interim <br />Fire Chief there is nice momentum with the departments. <br /> <br />Council Member Koski asked if there were complaints associated with the extended work hours <br />in the Downtown area. Administrator Statz stated that he was unaware of any. <br /> <br />Council Reports <br />a. <br /> <br />i. No report was given. <br />ii. Centennial Fire District Council Member <br />Lakso stated that she was unable to attend a portion of the meeting; <br />however, Co-Interim Chief Streich is providing leadership and bringing <br />the chain of command back in an attempt to regain a strong department. <br />He is requesting that if there are any issues/concerns from residents, <br />staff or Council that they are directed to the Co-Chiefs. She reported <br />that the department is requesting to strengthen their staff to 40 <br />firefighters and continue with duty crew. She reported that the budget <br />Page 11 of 14 <br /> <br />