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TIMELINE FOR WORK FOR 2020 (MIJPA CREATION) <br />Summary: The working group will finalize the draft joint powers agreement and send it <br />out for review by agency managers and their legal counsels. Metro I-Net members are <br />expected to approve the JPA by the end of the year. <br />The City of Roseville, in conjunction with RMI staff will identify costs to service MIJPA <br />during the interim period of the transition in 2021 and begin the process of identifying <br />costs for transferring assets from RMI to MIJPA <br />DETAILS OF 2020 WORK PLAN <br />METRO I-NET WORKING GROUP <br />In 2020, the Metro I-Net Working Group will do the following: <br /> Approve JPA transition plan <br /> Review draft Joint Powers Agreement <br /> Finalize language with Attorney Strommen <br /> Review JPA transition costs for 2021 <br /> Identify long-term cost estimates for administrative/financial/legal services for <br />MIJPA <br /> Provide member agencies an estimate of costs for the transition and final <br />implementation of the MIJPA <br /> Assist in getting approval of JPA by all member agencies <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE/ROSEVILLE METRO I-NET <br />In 2020, the City of Roseville/Roseville Metro I-Net will do the following: <br /> Identify costs to serve MIJPA during the transition <br /> Identify costs for transferring assets to MIJPA <br /> Assist the working group in identifying long-term costs for <br />administrative/financial/legal services for MIJPA <br /> Assist in getting approval of JPA by all member agencies <br />METRO I-NET MEMBER AGENCIES <br />In 2020, the Roseville Metro I-Net member agencies will do the following: <br /> Review the draft Metro I-Net joint powers agreement <br /> Secure approval of JPA from governing bodies <br /> <br /> <br />