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Anoka County State Funded Business and Non-Profit Relief Grant Program <br />Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) <br /> <br />offering technical assistance with the online applications. If you need assistance, please visit the <br />following website first to find options for your organization <br />relief-grant-application-assistance/ <br /> <br />12. What happens after organizations submit their application? <br />Anoka County will be processing the review of all state funded COVID relief grants internally. The county <br />will be processing grants on a first-come, first-servedbasis, while also prioritizing organizations that <br />closed or were directly impacted by Executive Order 20-99. In order to honor both of these processes, the <br />county will batch applications approximately every two weeks for review. The county will notify <br />applicants of their approval or denial before March 15, 2021. <br /> <br />13. Does it matter when organizations submit their application? <br />Yes, the county will be processing grants on a first-come, first-served basis, while also prioritizing <br />organizations that closed or were directly impacted by Executive Order 20-99. In order to honor both of <br />these processes, the county will batch applications approximately every two weeks for review. <br />The County will download applicant data from the two-week period, and sort based on industry type to <br />prioritize those impacted by Executive Order 20-99 first. All other organizations will remain in the queue <br />for review at a later priority, and will then be reviewed based on the date in which they applied (earliest <br />applications to be reviewed first, and then later applications) until all funds are exhausted or March 15, <br />2021 whichever comes first. <br /> <br />14. I need help filling out my application. Where can I get help? <br />Anoka County has a list of community development partners that can provide technical assistance to <br />organizations. In addition, there is a video explaining the application process online. You may use any <br />other assistance provider you wish, but no assistance provider, whether free or fee-based, can guarantee <br />you will receive a grant. For a list of these providers and a video on how to fill out the application, please <br />visit - <br /> <br />15. I need the application translated into another language. Where can I get help? <br />Contact Jacquel Hajder at Anoka County to request translation assistance <br /> <br /> <br />16. How will grant selections be made? <br />Anoka County will be processing the review of all state funded COVID relief grants internally. This process <br />will allow staff to ensure the funds go towards the hardest hit organizations those directly or indirectly <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />