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CITY OF CENTERVILLEREQUEST <br />FOR ACTION <br />Agenda Item # Department: RequestedMeetingDate: <br />May 4, 2021 <br />Planning and Zoning <br />VI.2 <br />TITLE OF ISSUE: <br />Rehbein Commercial - Consideration of Additional Public Input <br />BACKGROUND AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: <br />At a special meeting on April 26, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing for several zoning <br />requests related to the proposed Rehbein Commercial plat. The meeting went well past midnight and the issues <br />appeared on a City Council meeting agenda just two days later. The city council tabled most of the items in <br />front of them in an effort to give more time for comments and decision making. The city council met just <br />before this meeting (May 4) and decided _________________ in relation to whether or not to refer all or <br />portions of the development back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further review and public <br />comment. If the City Council refers any matters back to this commission, it would be appropriate to call for a <br />public hearing on or after May 21st (staff suggests a hearing on Tuesday, May 25). This allows enough time for <br />proper (legal) notification. <br />COST AND SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING: <br />N/A <br />REQUESTED ACTION: <br />Motion to call for a public hearing on ___________________ to be held on May 25 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. <br />SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED <br />Motion By: ____________________________________ <br /> Resolution Ordinance Contract Minutes Plan Map <br />Second By: ____________________________________ <br />Vote Record: Aye Nay <br />_____ <br /> _____ <br />Other (specify) ____________ <br />_____ <br /> _____ <br /> _____ _____ <br />_______________________________________________________________ <br /> _____ _____ <br /> _____ ____________________________________________________________________ <br /> _____ <br />_____ <br /> _____ <br />_____ <br />Refer to: _________________________________ <br /> Tabled Until: ______________________________ <br />Consent <br /> Other: ___________________________________ <br /> Regular <br /> <br />