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Proclamation - September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
City Council
Proclamation - September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
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cry oT cowei2nme PRocmIM7701V <br />WHEREAS, suicide is a preventable public health issue that requires preventative action, <br />resources and caring communities; and <br />WHEREAS, suicide is one of the most disruptive and tragic events a family and a community can <br />experience, with more than 723 lives lost to suicide in Minnesota in 2020; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Proclaimed September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month <br />in September of 2020 and the City of Centerville supports the state's initiative; and <br />WHEREAS, our military members and veterans have a higher risk of suicide. The City is a <br />member of the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Network and supports every military member and <br />veteran, along with their families; and <br />WHEREAS, public awareness of this tragic problem is the key to preventing further suffering and. <br />loss of life, and the risk for suicide can be reduced through awareness, education, and treatment; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, everyone in our nation, State and community can play a role in preventing suicide, <br />and all community members are encouraged to know the signs, find the words, and reach out to <br />someone they are concerned about. Depression is a treatable illness, and up to 80 percent of people <br />that seek help for depression experience improvement in symptoms when treated with therapy <br />and/or medication; and <br />WHEREAS, there is support available during a mental health crisis through the National Suicide <br />Prevention Lifeline at: 1-800-273-8255, Veterans Crises Line: 1-800-273-8255 or through the <br />Crises Text Line by texting MN to 741-741; and <br />WHEREAS, while there is no single cause of suicide, and no single suicide prevention strategy <br />that will be appropriate for all populations or communities, initiatives based on the goals detailed <br />in the Minnesota State Suicide Prevention Plan support healthy and empowered individuals, <br />families and communities; and <br />WHEREAS, the month of September is designed as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a <br />month to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention while celebrating life and <br />promoting hope. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, The City of Centerville hereby Claims that September is Suicide <br />Prevention Month. <br />Passed and Adopted by the City of Centerville this 8th day of September, 2021. <br />D. Love, Mayor <br />Atteste(I <br />Teresa Bender, City Clerk <br />
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