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CHAPTER50:GARBAGEANDRUBBISH <br />Section <br /> 50.01 Definitions <br /> 50.02 Care of refuse (Containers; storage and location). <br /> 50.03 Municipal contracting <br />50.04 Refuse Accumulation; Nuisance - Violation <br />§ 50.01 DEFINITIONS. <br /> For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context <br />clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. <br /> <br />FARM. Shall consist of any tract of land five acres or greater in area used for <br />agricultural purposes. <br /> <br />FLEXIBLE OR COMPACT DUMPSTER. A container which has a holding capacity <br />not exceeding five cubic yards and used for temporary storage of special pick-up refuse. <br />A FLEXIBLE DUMPSTER is commonly referred to or known as a dumpster bag, soft- <br />side dumpster, or waste removal bag and used in lieu of a metal front or rear-load or roll- <br />off dumpster. A COMPACT DUMPSTER is a metal, composite or other hard-side <br />container for refuse disposal which does not exceed five cubic yards capacity. <br /> <br />GARBAGE. Organic waste, including discarded material resulting from the handling, <br />processing, storage, preparation, serving and consumption of food. <br /> <br />REFUSE. Solid waste, including garbage and refuse, but excluding yard waste, <br />recyclables and hazardous waste. <br /> <br />RUBBISH. Solid waste, including ashes consisting of both combustible and <br />noncombustible wastes, such as wood, bedding, crockery and other non-reusable waste; <br />the term also includes non-recyclable types of glass, paper, cardboard and metal cans. <br />§ 50.02 CARE OF REFUSE (CONTAINERS; STORAGE AND LOCATION). <br /> It shall be the duty of every tenant, lessee or occupant of every private dwelling house or <br />commercial enterprise, and the owner of every furnished flat or apartment house, or business <br />building, except upon a farm, to provide without expense to the city, and at all times to keep <br />upon the lot upon which the building is located, suitable and sufficient receptacles with suitable <br />handles and having a tight-fitting cover for receiving and holding without leakage or escape of <br />odors all the refuse which would ordinarily accumulate on the premises in one weekÓs time and <br />shall properly remove and dispose of at least weekly. Except for collection day, the receptacles <br />shall be stored on private property and reasonably screened from view of the street. <br /> <br />