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Ifa nonconforminguse is replaced byanother use,the new use shall conform to this chapter; <br />Ifa nonconforminguse orstructure is damaged byanycause to the extent that repair or replacement <br />costs exceed 50 percent ofthe market value, the use orstructure maynot bereplaced or repaired except <br />in conformitywith this chapter; and <br />Normal maintenance of a nonconforming structure is permitted, including necessary nonstructuralrepairs <br />and incidental alterations, which do not extend or intensify the nonconforming use. <br />A structure that consists of a one-family or two-family dwelling that is a lawful non-conforming use <br />located in aBusiness District orIndustrial District may,upon being damaged to an extent exceeding 50 <br />percent ofits fair market value, be repaired to its preexistingcondition, provided that the non-conformity <br />does not alsoinclude inconsistencies with regulations offlood-plaints or shorelandprotection. Ifno <br />building permit to repair the dwellingis issued by the City within six months of the dateof the event <br />where damage occurs, then the lawful non-conforminguse status shallcease and the landshall be used <br />onlyinconformitywith the allowed uses in the District. <br />Construction of one detached accessory building,not exceeding200 square feet willbe considered an <br />incidental alteration, andmay bepermitted in conjunction with a legal, non-conforming use, provided its <br />purpose is solelyfor storage and that setback, lotcoverage and other requirements of the district are <br />complied with. <br />Construction of an uncovered deck or porch, not exceeding100 square feet, construction of fences and <br />construction of aboveground pools up to 15 feet in diametershall beconsidered incidental alterations, <br />and may be permitted in conjunction with a legal, non-conforminguse, provided lot coverage and other <br />requirements of the district arecomplied with. <br />Ord. 2d #6, amended 05/24/2006, Ord. 2d #11, amended 07/26/2006 <br />§156.102 HOME OCCUPATIONS.§156.102 HOME OCCUPATIONS. <br />Home occupations in the city must meet the following criteria: <br />(A)Home occupations shall be conducted solely by persons residing in the residence with the exception of <br />no more than one additional nonrelated employee; <br />(B)All business activities and storage shall take place within the structure; <br />(C)There shall be no alteration to the exterior of the residential dwelling, accessory building or yard that in <br />any way alters the residential character of the premises; <br />(D)Conformance with the sign regulations as set forth in this code; <br />(E)The occupation shall not be visible or audible from any property line; <br />362 ΋ tğŭĻ <br /> <br />