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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />Agenda Item # Department: Requested Council Meeting Date: <br />September 22, 2021 <br />Planning & Zoning <br />IX.2.c. <br />TITLE OF ISSUE: <br />Proposed Amend. to Chapter 156.111 - Fence (Front Facade) <br />BACKGROUND AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: <br />Staff has received several requests for fences to be constructed/reconstructed to the front of the principal <br />structure rather than 10' behind the front facade of the principal structure. <br /> <br />Staff completed research from five (5) cities and recommended removing existing language within the existing <br />Code. <br />COST AND SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING: <br />N/A <br />REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission to adopt the Amendment to Chapter 156.111 as <br />presented in Ord. #XXX, Second Series. **1st Reading** (NO MOTION AT THIS TIME) <br />For ClerkÓs Use: <br />SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED <br />Motion By: ____________________________________ <br /> Resolution Ordinance Contract Minutes Plan Map <br />Second By: ____________________________________ <br />ProposedOrd.Amend. <br />Vote Record: Aye Nay <br /> _____ <br />_____ <br />Staff Memo, Existing Chapter 156.111 w/ <br />Other (specify) ____________ <br /> _____ _____ <br />_____ <br /> _____ <br />Diagrams <br />_______________________________________________________________ <br /> _____ _____Ki <br /> _____ ____________________________________________________________________ <br />Administration Department Use: <br />Refer to: _________________________________ <br />Consent <br /> Tabled Until: ______________________________ <br /> Regular <br /> Other: ___________________________________ <br /> <br />