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2021-01-26 P & Z Minutes - Approval
Planning & Zoning
2021-01-26 P & Z Minutes - Approval
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9/29/2021 11:54:36 AM
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9/29/2021 11:54:36 AM
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City of Centerville <br /> Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br /> January 26, 2021 <br /> <br />b. David Kubat <br /> <br />1. Mr. Kubat answered that he moved to Centerville recently. He has a BA in History from the <br />University of Minnesota, a law degree from Hamline School of Law, and is a practicing attorney <br />in immigration law and criminal justice. He was in the National Guard from 2008-2020 and <br />completed two tours in Iraq. He also served as President of a home owner’s association in Coon <br />Rapids while living there. He was looking for a new opportunity to serve, but wanted something <br />that did not require as much time as the National Guard <br /> <br />2. Mr. Kubat stated that he had not attended a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, but he <br />has attended an EDA meeting. He has no problem with the time commitment and has read through <br />past meeting minutes in order to learn more about the Commission. <br /> <br />3. Mr. Kubat answered that he would look at past history on other similar decisions and talk to <br />people with experience. He stated that as an attorney, he is skilled at seeing things objectively. <br /> <br />4. Mr. Kubat stated that he is used to being objective and giving opinions based on what is best. <br /> <br />5. Mr. Kubat stated that at the law firm he works for, the owner takes a round-table approach to <br />build consensus amongst the team. The different backgrounds within the firm help to contribute to <br />discussion of different points of view. He is not invested in getting things his own way; he is <br />interested in making sure that the decisions made are the right decisions. <br /> <br />6. Mr. Kubat asked when the Commission might go back to in-person meetings, versus Zoom <br />meetings. <br /> <br />City Administrator Statz explained that he recommends meetings still be held via Zoom until <br />everyone has the opportunity to be vaccinated from Covid-19. He feels that June 1, 2021 is a good <br />target date. <br /> <br />c. Les Kuiper <br /> <br />1. Mr. Kuiper responded that he has earned a reputation as a fair and capable leader. He was <br />elected as president of his denomination’s annual meeting, which serves 1,000 churches <br />throughout North America. He comes with no agenda, and is a good listener. He has lived in <br />Centerville since 2012 and is eager to serve on a local level. <br /> <br />2. Mr. Kuiper stated that his schedule is flexible and he would be able to attend meetings without <br />any problems. He has not attended any Planning and Zoning meetings, and has recently retired and <br />is now living full-time in Centerville. <br /> <br />3. Mr. Kuiper responded that he would read the documents that were submitted, visit the site being <br />considered, talk with people who are impacted by the decision and talk with other members of the <br />commission. <br /> <br /> <br />
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