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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 14, 2021 <br />Mr. Al LaMotte, 1643 Sorel Street, desired to provide Council with background of the parcel in <br />question by stating that a farmer in town purchased and donated the property to the City for a <br />hockey rink for community children years previous. He stated that he has spoken with many of <br />those, now adults, who are disappointed in CouncilÓs decision to development the land and to the <br />extent of what is being proposed. He stated that he does not feel that this will keep the Ðsmall <br />townÑ feel. He questioned the CityÓs desire to gain population to 5,000 and asked why Council is <br />subsidizing the contractor by giving them the parcel and everything. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Koski asked Administrator Statz as to the appropriate time to address residentÓs <br />comments/questions and chose to continue accepting comment. Administrator Statz concurred. <br /> <br />Ms. Julie Lindsay, 1687 Sorel Street, she stated that she started a petition on Saturday, July 10, <br />2021 to stop building the high-density proposed development. She stated that she heard time and <br />time again from the neighbors that Mr. Rivard donated a portion of the proposed Block 7 to the <br />City years previous for a park and if the property was not utilized in that fashion it was to be <br />returned back to him. She is wondering how and when that would be addressed/resolved. She <br />stated that normally 4-5 homes would be allowed for a parcel of that size. She also stated that she <br />is asking how 26, 2-story row-homes with 52 vehicles on that lot are better for the community of <br />Centerville when people who reside in Centerville or who move to Centerville prefer the Ðsmall <br />townÑ feel. She stated that current traffic levels in the downtown area are difficult, unsafe at times <br />and an additional 52 cars would add to the congestion. She stated that 62 homes in the vicinity of <br />the development would be affected by that traffic. She suggested that the Planning & Zoning <br />Commission reconsider the zoning for this parcel to be single-family residential and install the <br />park that was intended by Mr. RivardÓs donation. She stated that she and other residents feel the <br />same way. Ms. Lindsay stated that she does not understand the ins and outs of the Comprehensive <br />Plan and what avenues would need to be taken to change this zoning. She was concerned about <br />the goal of a population of 5,000 residents to gain State Aid from the State of MN without <br />regarding to the small town. She believes that a traffic study should have been completed prior to <br />any proposal for development of the property. Ms. Lindsay submitted the petition and stated that <br />only one (1) individual stated that the City needed the tax money and all others are not in favor of <br />the project. <br />Mr. Jon Brickner, 1580 Sorel Street, stated that he lived one (1) block west of the proposed project, <br />attended this eveningÓs meeting to show support his friends and neighbors that surround the <br />proposed project. He stated that this block, ÐBlock 7Ñ is a 1.62 acre parcel with nine (9) single- <br />family, residential homes surrounding the project. He desired to provide input in five (5) areas <br />that Council may not have taken into consideration and as to why this proposal is unfair to <br />surrounding property owners, unjustifiable to all residents and taxpayers of Centerville. He stated <br />that Centerville residents do not want urban development and requested that page 2 of the CityÓs <br />Comprehensive Plan be provided for reference. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan is utilized <br />to guide the City in development for the future and was to be updated in 2018. He also stated that <br />in 2017 the City hired a firm to gain input from residents as to what was important to them. They <br />stated some of the word were ÐtrailsÑ, ÐcommunityÑ, ÐfamilyÑ and ÐruralÑ where all a part of the <br />input. He stated what was important to him was rural. He also stated that recently there was a <br />proposal for an apartment building on property north of Main Street near the bank. He stated that <br />there is over 1,000 signatures on an on-line petition ( to stop urban <br />development and should be eye opening to Council. He also discussed the population increase to <br />Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br />