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precinct voting equipment for each election and shall utilize county-provided software, as <br />determined necessary by the County, to track the testing, assignment, deployment, chain of <br />custody, and associated logistical operations of said equipment in Anoka County, as follows: <br /> <br />6.1. When Category A and/or B offices or questions appear on the ballot: <br /> <br />6.1.1. The municipality shall be responsible for and assume all costs associated with <br />the production of test decks, and conduct of pre-election and post-election tests <br />and audits of precinct voting equipment for all elections which include a Category <br />A and/or B office or question. <br /> <br />6.1.2. The municipality shall assume all costs required to arrange for the use of polling <br />places in the manner required by the Minnesota election law, for ensuring the <br />physical set up of rooms and furnishings are conducive to the voting process, <br />and for ensuring that all necessary equipment and supplies are delivered to the <br />polling place for use on Election Day. <br /> <br />6.1.3. The municipality shall assume all costs related to picking up ballots, supplies and <br />equipment from the Anoka County Elections and Voter Registration Office in <br />Anoka and other storage locations that may be arranged from time to time, and <br />transporting them to and from the polling place. <br /> <br />6.1.4. The municipality shall assume all costs related to issuing, receiving and <br />processing absentee ballots cast by in-person absentee voters in that <br />municipality including procurement and preparation of physical spaces, <br />equipment, and staff needed to administer the process, and costs for delivery of <br />voted ballots to the Anoka County Central Count Absentee Precinct. <br /> <br />6.1.5. The municipality shall assume all costs related to recruiting, hiring, and paying <br />Election Judges for all hours served including training, testing, election day <br />assignments, and any other work assignments associated with the election. <br /> <br />6.2. When only Category C offices or questions appear on the ballot: <br /> <br />6.2.1. The School District shall be responsible and shall assume all costs associated <br />with the production of test decks and conduct of pre-election and post-election <br />tests and audits of precinct voting equipment for all elections which include only <br />Category C offices or questions. <br />6.2.2. The school district shall assume all costs required to arrange for the use of <br />polling places in the manner required by law, for ensuring the physical set up of <br />rooms and furnishings are conducive to the voting process, and for ensuring that <br />all necessary equipment and supplies are delivered to the polling place for use <br />on Election Day. <br /> <br />6.2.3. The school district shall assume all costs related to picking up ballots, supplies <br />and equipment from the Anoka County Elections and Voter Registration Office in <br />Anoka and other storage locations that may be arranged from time to time, and <br />transporting them to and from the polling place. <br />Page Ќ of ЊЋ <br /> <br />