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Housing & Economic Development <br />ordinance. A municipality may appeal the disapproval of a more restrictive ordinance to the <br />commissioner.Ñ <br />MetroCitiessupportstheability of citiestoenforceallhousing codespassed bya local <br />municipalityto maintainits housingstock. <br />3-KEconomicDevelopment,RedevelopmentandWorkforceReadiness <br />The economic viability of the metropolitanarea is enhanced by anarray of economic <br />developmenttools that create infrastructure, revitalize previously developed property, provide <br />incentives forbusiness development, support technological advances, support a trained <br />workforce, and addressdisparities in economic development and workforce development. It <br />should be the goal of thestate to champion development and redevelopment by providing <br />adequate and sustainable funding toassure competitiveness in a global marketplace. The state <br />should recognize the relationshipbetweenhousing andeconomicdevelopment.Access to <br />affordable childcare supports working families and allows parents to enter or remain in the <br />workforce. Economicdevelopment andredevelopmentarenot mutuallyexclusive Îsome <br />projects require a boost on both counts. TheState of Minnesotashould recognizecitiesasthe <br />primaryunitofgovernmentresponsible forthe implementationof economic development, <br />redevelopment policies, and land use controls. <br />3-K(1)EconomicDevelopment <br />For purposes of this section, economic development is defined as a form of development that can <br />containdirectbusiness assistance,infrastructuredevelopment,technicalassistance,andpolicy <br />supportwiththegoalofsustainablejobcreation,jobretention, appropriatestateregulationor <br />classification, or to nurture new or retain existing industry in the state. The measure of return on <br />investmentofpublicbusiness subsidies shouldincludetheimpact(positiveornegative)of <br />Ðspin-off developmentÑ or business development that is ancillary and supportive of the primary <br />business. <br />A strengthoftheregionaleconomyisits economicdiversity.Multipleindustryclustersand <br />sectors employaspecialized,trainedworkforceandsupportentrepreneurs indevelopingnew <br />businesses.Partnershipsandcollaborationsamongthe state andlocallevelsofgovernment, <br />highereducationandindustryshouldcontinuetodevelop,tocommercialize newtechnologies <br />andtosupporteffortstoenhance theeconomicvitalityoftheregion. <br />Whilecitiesaretheunitoflocalgovernmentprimarily responsiblefortheimplementationof <br />economicdevelopment,counties haveaninterestinsupportinglocaleconomicdevelopment <br />efforts.AnycreationofacountyCDA,EDAorHRAwitheconomicdevelopmentpowers <br />should follow Minn. Stat. § 469.1082 that requires a city to adopt a resolution electing to <br />participate. Cities can work with the public and private sectors to support the regionÓs economic <br />growthbyreducingbarriers toeconomicparticipationbypeopleofcolor. <br />Metro Cities supports state funded programs that support new and expanding businesses, <br />infrastructure developmentandpublic-privatepartnerships.Thisincludes theMinnesota <br />InvestmentFund,JobCreationFundandAngelTaxCredit.Programs usingstatewidefunding <br />shouldstrivetoawardfunds balancedbetweenthemetroregionandgreaterMinnesota.Metro <br />2022 Legislative Policies <br />33 <br /> <br />